Holding back

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I kissed her.

She struggled but I tightened my hold and kissed her more forcefully.

I wanted her to know that I loved her. I had made up my mind to save her. I loved her.

She stopped struggling, and her hands fell limp. She returned the kiss.

I pulled away and made her face me.

"Dont you ever tell me to leave you or I deserve better or something like that because I love you and there is no one better than you." I spoke a bit sternly.

"But...Ryu...I am a coward...I let them kill those girls, I let them ruin their lives...and me? I was saved and the man who saved me died...I then found you and found love...But them? I let them die." She cried harder.

"What could you have done to save them Alina???" I knew I was shouting but I need to get through.

She looked at me shocked.

"You were tied up...Those bastards tried to rape you. When I found you, you were barely alive. I know they made you a pinch bag. Tell me, how would have saved them???" I continued.


"Takakura gave his life so that you could be happy. Those girls know that you wanted to help them. They all would want you to live happily. Alina.." I sighed, my body was heaving.

Alina was looking at me, tears were dripping down her cheeks.

Her eyes were searching for salvation. She needed me as I needed her.

"Alina...I need you. I know you are not dirty. I know you are a wonderful person. I...Alina...please...dont." I knew I was crying but I didnt care.

I could not lose her.

"Ryu...You know your in danger now too."
"I dont care. I am with you."

Her hands touched mine and she laid her head on my chest.


"I love you Alina. I love you." I wisphered.
We reached the address Rukawa gave us. I was a bit embarrased about my shouting but Alina looked peaceful.

"Alina...I am sorry...I" I started when she placed her fingers on my lips.

"Ryu. Before I say this, Are you ready to stay with me despite knowing all this?" I could feel her fingers tremble against my lips. I touched her fingers and took her hand in mine.

"I love you Alina. I want to stay with you." I whispered.

She smiled serenely. My heart was pounding.

"I always wondered why I was so deeply in love with you. You didnt even know I existed but every time I read something about you, I kept falling all over."

I waited as I help my breath.

"I am glad I fell in love with you. I am glad that I believed that you might be the one." She reached across and kissed me gently.

We entered the apartment while holding hands.

I knew I was blushing but Alina was with me. That was all that mattered.

"Finally! Where were you?" Rukawa spoke sarcastically.

"We were catching up. Why you wanted to join us?" Alina spoke making me chuckle.

So this was the infamous poisonous barb

"Tch. I see your memory has come back." Rukawa grimaced.

"Not entirely but enough." She sat down crossing her arms.

Rukawa sighed and pulled out a cigaretter when Alina glared at him.

"You smoke and I will get your death certificate ready. " Alina retorted as she looked at Rukawa with distaste.

"Jeez Alina...I prefered you when your memories were gone. Besides you are embarrassing yourself in front of you lover." Rukawa sneered.

"He accepts me for what I am." She spoke proudly.

"She is cuter this way." I replied smiling.

Rukawa looked displeased.

"And...what happened?" He finally asked.

"Takakura Sensei is dead Rukawa. The one you sent me to was an imposter." Alina replied.

"Did you figure that out when you were being examined by him?" Rukawa asked calmly.

"No. But i had disliked him because i coulded place him in my memories." Alina replied.

"I forgot your warped personality. You tend to hate people you dont know." Rukawa sighed.

Oh? I didnt know that.

"I guess that remained with me even when I lost my memories." Alina shrugged.

"Then how come you got attached to Yamashita? Oh wait...You were a fan right? No wonder." Rukawa smiled at her.

Alina blushed a deep pink and looked at the floor.

Rukawa looked pleased while he turned his gaze at me.

"Congrats man. You must be warped too to fall for her. Anyways, Yamashita, you are also in danger." Rukawa spoke while chewing his cheek.

"Its okay. I am prepared for this." I replied.

"Alina...are you ready to tell me eveey thing?" Rukawa looked at her.

Alina became reserved immediately.

"Maybe later. You guys settle in. Oh..and if you decide on it...dont be loud." He smirked making us both blush.

That pervert.

"So you ran away?"

"She is recovering."

"Did she die?"

"No....she is being protected."

"Then dont kill her yet. We shall violate her and kill her in front of him. That would be poetic."

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