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After that attack, Rukawa decided that it would be better that Alina stayed with me and that she saw a psychiatrist.

And here I was with a beaming Alina in front of my house. I sighed and rang the bell.

The door was thrown open when my mother hugged me.

"Ryu! My child! Where have you been? Why did you not call us?" She cried dramatically.

Trust my mother to over exaggerate things. I pulled away from her grasp.

"Mom! I am ok... A lot happened you see..."I was trying to explain when suddenly she saw Alina who had been watching us confused.

My mother pushed me aside roughly, making me crash into the wall. I turned to see her cupping Alina's face.

"Oh my god... You are so adorable. What is your name dear?" She asked Alina who had stiffened.

"It is Alina Mayfield. That's what they said." Alina replied timidly.

Her timid voice and confused appearance was too cute for my mother.

"Come in darling! I shall make you hot chocolate!!! I already want you to be my daughter in law!!!" She hugged Alina who had turned pink.

"Mom!!!" I wanted to rectify things.

"Quiet Ryu! You have finally brought a decent girl home! Let me get to know her!" My mum had already coaxed Alina into the house.

"Mum... She not my girlfriend. Please let me explain." I pleaded making her look at me.


"So, basically you are to protect her." My father who listened to the story said.

I nodded as I looked at him.

"I have heard about Mayfield-Sensei from Miho." My father spoke as he looked at the ceiling.

"Onee-Chan knows her?" I was surprised. (A/N Onee-Chan means big sister)

"Yes. Mayfield-Sensei, was the one who treated Sakura and saved her life." My dad took off his glasses and wiped them.

Miho was my older sister who was married and she has two kids, Sakura and Ryosuke. Sakura had been born with a heart disease.

"So Alina had performed Sakura's surgery." I muttered.

"What are you men muttering about so much?" My mother placed a tray that had tea and cake.

I took a bite of the cake which was rather delicious!

"This is too good!" I exclaimed.

"Alina dear made it!" My mother ruffled Alina's hair who blushed crimson.

"Alina this is really good! How did you make it?" I asked smiling.

"Like you make a cake." She retorted when her eyes widened.

Even I was shocked. Rukawa had mentioned that Alina was always sarcastic and answered every sentence with a retort.

Since she had retorted back, I think that she maybe slowly remembering things.

"I am sorry... I did not mean to be rude." Alina looked at her shoe.

"No its ok... Its funny." I laughed forcefully.


My parents had left. They usually stayed for the weekend and when I was performing.

I was cleaning up after dinner when I noticed Alina standing in the backyard.

Her dark black hair tousled in the wind while the white dress she wore flapped around her knees. Her expression was serious.

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