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Having had no sleep, I was in a rather grumpy mood. I could hear humming from the kitchen.

I peaked in to see Alina cooking breakfast.

The image she gave out was perfect. Her long hair was tied in a ponytail, a white apron.

I snapped at myself for my thoughts. This is weird, I am seeing her as my....

Ok.... Don't even go there! We barely know each other!!!

"Ah! Ryu! You are awake! Come! I have made breakfast!" She said happily while turning.

This girl is slowly killing me with her antics.

Alina's cooking is delicious I must admit. I wanted to ask Rukawa if this was a sign her memory was returning.

"Ryu? Are you ok?" She asked curiously.

I nodded and smiled at her. I did not want her to worry.


I was driving her to the psychiatrist's office. Rain had just started to patter on my car.

Alina was unusually silent. I could not help but notice that she was breathing rather heavily.

Lightening struck and she screamed while clutching her head and bending her body.

I immediately stopped th car on the side and looked at her.

"Gomenasai, Gomenasai..." She kept mumbling while shivering.

"Alina? What's wrong?" I inquired.

Alina did not seem to hear me. I could see tears trickling down her cheek.

I gently tried to pull her to a sitting position when suddenly she started resisting me.

"Alina! Get a hold of yourself." I scolded her when she started to push me away.

I remembered that the nurse had mentioned that someone had attempted to rape Alina.

I grabbed her shoulder and tried to make her face me.

"Please.... Don't harm them... Please..." She whispered while struggling.

I suddenly froze. What was going on?

I needed her to calm down. I had no choice but to slap her.

The hit worked. I watched as her eyes settled and her body relaxed. She looked at me.

"Alina? Are you ok?" I asked gently while placing one hand on her cheek.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She started to cry.

"Ryu? Am I going mad?" She asked me as she sobbed.

"No! No you are not. You're just regaining your memory."I said gently.

Alina sobbed harder she laid her head on my chest. I embraced her and stroked her hair.

"Why do I keep getting panicked? Am I bad person Ryu?" Alina asked as she sobbed.

I pulled away and made her face me. I cupped her face.

"Why do you think so?" I asked gently.

"I saw myself in darkness. I can see a girl on the floor. There is blood every where. That girl is crying out to me. But I can't help her. I can't move" She whimpered.

"Alina... Whatever happened, you must have been tied up so you could not help them. You are not a bad person." I wiped her tears with my thumb.

Her hand covered mine as she sniffed.

"Really?" She chriped.

"Yes. My sister told me that you worked hard to save her daughter. If you were a bad person, you would have not helped her." I stroked her hair.

That seemed to cheer her up. I started the car and began to drive. The rain was picking up.

"So... How did I save your niece? What do I do?" She asked me.

"You are a doctor." I replied.

"Ehhh!! What kind?" Her eagerness made me chuckle.

"Your patients are children." I replied as I parked the car.

Alina was pleased. I smiled when I noticed that the psychiatrist's place is rather close to the place I had found Alina.

We sat in the waiting room when Alina leaned onto me.

"A-Alina!" My face had coloured up.

"Sleepy" She muttered as she snuggled closer to me.

Someone help me!! I really think I am falling for her.

"Alina... Do not sleep here. We need to see the doctor." I shook her.

She groaned and rubbed her eyes. She was too cute.

"Mayfield-Sensei? Takakura-Sensei will see you now." A nurse smiled at us.

We entered the room. Alina suddenly clutched my arm and hid behind me.

"Oh! Mayfield-Sensei! How are you today?" Takakura-Sensei smiled at her.

She just looked down. I could feel Alina's grip on me tighten. I was worried for her.

"Alina?" I called out.

"Its okay Yamashita-San... She must be shy." Takakura smiled.

Alina cautiously sat in front of Takakura.

I watched as Takakura made Alina close her eyes and take a deep breath.

He then started to talk about her job and people around her.

Alina responded rather smart and seriously.

"Alina...Answer in english now. What is your greatest fear?" Takakura-Sensei asked.

"Snakes. I have a phobia." Pat was her reply.

I did not understand a word but I had to admit, she had a good grasp of both language and knowledge.

"ok...Lets continue in Japanese. Why do you think the police asked for your help?" Takakura suddenly asked seriously.

I could see Alina turn stiff. Her closed eyes tightened.

"Stop...I... Stop." She muttered.

"Mayfield-Sensei... Its ok. You can open your eyes now." Takakura sighed.

Alina opened them. She had visibly relaxed but I noticed that she was shaken.

"Maybe two or three more appointments should suffice for now." Takakura-Sensei smiled.

Alina and I walk back silently. I could not help but notice how shaken she was.

I placed my arms around her when she buried her head into my chest and hugged me.

"Alina. Its ok. I am here for you." I whispered in her ear.

I did not know what else to say to her.

"I do not like him." Alina muttered back.

"Alina?" I pulled away.

"I do not like Takakura-Sensei. I feel scared." She sobbed in my arms.

I wondered if Takakura had something to do with her memories.

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