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Night had fallen. I didnt understand, why was I this nervous? Its not like we have never been alone.

I watched as Alina washed the dishs while I sat at the table.

Damn you Rukawa, had you not said that, may be....It was have not been this awkward.

"Ryu? Are you listening?" Alina was suddenly in front of me.

"Eh? Sorry?" I was red. I knew that.

I had to stop looking at her lips.

"Ryu, I was asking if that day when you nearly ran me over, did you see someone in the alley?" Alina sat down as she lifted a cup of coffee to her lips.

"No. I didnt pay attention,  I was...umm...more focused about you." Why am I feeling so flustered?

"I cant still remember how I escaped..." Alina sighed when she suddenly clutched her head.

I quickly got to her side. Sweat was glistening on her forehead.

"I....I feel..." She was heaving.

I supported her and took her towards the bedroom.

I laid her on the bed.

"Alina...You okay?" I asked as she gasped.

She nodded.

"I...just....remembered....Her." Tears was making their way down her cheeks.

"Who?" Concern was eating me.

"I...ow...cant...remember....She was struggling against....this a black cloak...strange. ...ahh.." She moaned as she turned restlessly.

I grabbed her arms to steady.

"Calm down Alina. Please." I whispered as she struggled.

"Ryu...People have died because of me." She replied

"I wont die Alina. I told you, I am going to live my life with you." I looked into her eyes.

Beautiful soft brown eyes that was brimming with concern for me.

How could I not love this woman.

And suddenly the lights went out.

"Lightout?" Alina asked as she sat on the bed.

"No...something is not right." I replied.

My heart had quickened. I could tell some thing was not right.

Something softly padded on the floor. Alina tightened her hold on me.

Someone had entered the house.

I quickly grabbed Alina and hid near the door.

The door swung open. Luckily whoever it was did notice us.

I could feel Alina shiver. I myself felt scared.

The intruder was dressed in a black cloak nearly merging with the darkness.

We swiftly left the room and rushed when we heard footsteps thundering behind us.

We need to get to the front door. We had to get away.

Alina tripped in darkness. I tried to help her when I was kicked away.

"No!!! Leave me! Ryu!" Alina screames as the intruder grabbed her.

"Alina! Leave her alone." I rushed at him when another cloaked person grabbed me.

Alina screamed as the intruder roughly threw her on the floor. Her night cover had been discarded on the floor. Alina shifted away to wards the door.

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