April 15th

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April 15th,

I broke down again today. 
I was alone then. You know how much I hate people seeing me cry. 
You are the exception but I still don't like it.
The reason I was crying?
Your lung clasped again. You went to surgery again. I thought I was going to lose you.
But... your still breathing.
I am not sure how long I will last before I lose my mind.

I haven't been sleeping well lately either...
You would give me a look and tell me to not keep it to myself.
So... here I am. 
Telling this to you.
But you aren't answering.
I haven't heard your voice since the day the accident. 
Almost three months ago.

You have been in a coma for almost three months.
You have to wake up.
You are strong Hiccup.

Wake up.

I don't want to say goodbye,

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