August 15th

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August 15th

Some people in our classes always want updates about you. I can't deal with the fact that they hardly knew you and they think that they have the right to know how you are doing.
So like any other normal person, I snap at them and tell them to go %&#@ themselves.
I know you would tell me that that was rude and that they are just concerned.
But that's the thing: they don't know you! They are just bored with their lives and apparently, the college live isn't keeping them busy. I know for a fact that it is keeping me busy.
I think that this is affecting me more than it should be. You being in the hospital for 6 months.
I am just sick of all of it! I hate that I can't hear you reassure me that you will be okay! Because I don't know if you will ever be okay again! And if you are hurt, mentally or physically, it hurts me too.
I have come to this room more than I would like. So for both of our sake, you better wake up soon or I will go insane!

When I start feeling like this, I always think back to all the things we did. While I do that, some memories pop up that I can't place. It is strange. I feel as if I know when and where that happened, but it is just out of my reach to place.
Another thing. Those memories always loom different.
If you were awake, you would say something about how all memories look different. But that isn't what I am talking about. It's the atmosphere. The environment.
It's weird.
I don't understand.

Please wake up soon to help your insane girlfriend,
Astrid. <3

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