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Hiccup looks up at them confused. Usually Snotlout would be making fun of Fishlegs and Ruffnut and Ruffnut are quiet. It is never good when the twins are quiet for an extended amount of time.

Hiccup knows that something is going on. None of his friends say anything rude and they never disagree with him. It was getting annoying. So when they are all sitting at Hiccup's house, he decides to confront them.

"What do you want to do?" Hiccup asks. They awkwardly glance at him.

"You can decide." Snotlout suggests.

"Well, we all know that I obviously make the best choice." Hiccup States, seeing if any of them with disagree


"I am perfect." Hiccup says more forcefully.

Still nothing. He can see Snotlout and Astrid look away quickly.

"Oh for the love of Thor, guys just stop already." They all look at him in shock.

"Stop what?" Astrid asks, but seeing her expression, Hiccup knows that she knows exactly what he means.

"You guys have been treating me with kid gloves ever since my dad died."

"That's not true." Snotlout lies.

"Yeah, Astrid just told us to stop making stupid and mean comments when your around." Tuffnut says. Astrid glares at him then hits him upside his head.

Hiccup looks away from them. "I first noticed it when we where all at the park. I had tripped over my own two feet and none of you teased me for the rest of the day. You would have teased me how I can't even use my own two feet, then laugh at the comment and say "Oops, I meant foot", but nothing.

"So I started doing stupid things in front of you guys to see if you really were doing this. And you were." Hiccup glances up at them.

"Hiccup, you just lost your dad after just getting him back. We didn't want to say anything too harsh to upset you. And with your history of being teased - a lot - in the past, we didn't want to bring that all up again and you to be hurt." Astrid says softly.

"Astrid, you guys are my friends. I know that if you make fun of my stupid mistakes, I know you all will be teasing me. Not because you want to hurt me. And go ahead, tease me all you want. I know you do it because we are friends. We tease each other."

They all exchange glances with each other. Then Snotlout looks at Hiccup. "Since I can tease my baby cousin again, I want to say that the fact the you eat plain cereal is gross."

"That the best you got?" Hiccup says smiling.

"When ever you and Fishlegs talk nerd, I want to punch you both. You are both really annoying." Astrid says grinning. Hiccup and Fishlegs laugh though they both have a slight blush.

"Thanks guys." Hiccup says. He smiles great fully at them.

"No problem baby cousin."

"I am older than you!"

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