September 30th

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September 30th

Hey... Snotlout again.
So tomorrow will be the eight month mark. Eight months of you being in a coma. It pains me to know that you still haven't woken up. We all miss you.
And I know that I am stalling for what I really want to tell you. If I were to tell Astrid what I am thinking about doing, I would end up in the hospital too. 
Seriously though, your girlfriend is scary. She really cares about you though. She doesn't act the same ever sense your went into a coma. I guess none of us has felt the same since all this happened.
I know that what we all did to you in the past was wrong and it hurt you. Not just physically, but mentally too. That's way I am considering doing this.
but if I do, I am doing it because You have been through too much. None of us want to see you hurt after all of this when you wake up.
And when you wake up and you find out what I did, just promise me you won't be mind.
Though I am pretty sire you will understand my reasons.
I just don't know if I have the nerve to do it. 
Because if I do...
I can't go back on it...

Won't Give Up [Book 4]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin