June 10th

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June 10th,

Snotlout was telling me stories of you when you were younger.
And somehow, the twins went to the subject of you punching Snotlout.
I would of payed o see that.
This was apparently a while ago-for obvious reasons...- and the twins dared Snotlout to fight you.
Then a little while later, Thor's mighty hammer met Snotlout's paper jaw.
Tuffnut's words.
Not mine.
You apparently threw one heck of a punch because Snotlout said that he went unconscious and three of his teeth were knocked out.
When he said that, he didn't sound very happy.
I asked him if he were upset about what had happened.
He wasn't.
He said he deserved it for all the things he did to you. 
He also said he was proud of you for punching him.
At first, I thought him crazy.
Then when he said that never before would you punch anybody.
And considering that you punched your former bully, he said that he was happy to finally see that you were confident in yourself.
I also remember the last time you were in a car accident. (Sadly...)
Snotlout told me about your stange of puberty.
He said it was funny when you seemed to realized that your head was getting closer to the top of a door.
Sometimes I wish that I was here to see you growing up.
But when you wake up, I promise to be with you for the rest of the way.

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