Entry #1

354 15 1

Oct 5th,

I know they are trying. I appreciate it. But it still doesn't feel right. For so long I remember the feeling of being alone. And for the most part, I was okay with it. But after the car accident, something.... changed.
I don't know why the others decided to stop ignoring me and making an effort to get to know me. I don't understand what happened.
Are they doing this because they pity me? Because they feel obligated to do this?
I am not a charity case. And I don't want them pitying me.
But I am afraid that once I tell them, they will realize who they have been hanging out with and go back to how things were before.
I know that I did graduate high school, but if they were to leave me, I'm not sure how I would deal with it. I would understand though. Nobody has ever wanted anything to do with me for a really long time.
So I haven't said anything about it. I try to act as though nothing is bothering me.
But it is hard sometimes.

I am not sure how to deal with it all at times...

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