Part 4: Busted

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Hiccup woke for lunch and I didn't mention my investigations. Instead, after supermarket pizza and wedges, I checked he's okay and got him to talk about Toothless. That seemed to cheer him up and his green eyes sparkled as he described how he trained the dragon, taught him to fly with a rider and accept a saddle. He spoke of the dragon as a friend, a confidante, a pet and as a companion. And it was very clear from his voice that there was a bond of love between the two.

As I watched him, I found myself filling facts about him in my mental database. His lopsided smile that was really cute. The way he talked with his hands and his shoulders for emphasis. The way he rubbed the back of his neck when he feels awkward or embarrassed. The fact he blushed easily. The way he was clearly uncomfortable in the presence of a woman, almost certainly because he hadn't really had a lot of practice-and the memory of his words about his school days, of being scorned and bullied return. The fact that he was left-handed. The fact that he had a slight stammer that becomes obvious when he talks about his father or BERK. The fact he seemed terrified of being recaptured.

He dozed during the afternoon and by evening, his fever had started to rise again. He insisted again that he should leave and I let him try to put his prosthesis on but the moment it sat against his stump, he screamed and jerked his leg away, breathing hard, his face dripping sweat. He cuddled his amputated leg against his body and rocked back and forth until the surge of agony subsided. Then he looked up and his expression was embarrassed.

"You were right," he sighed and accepted my help to the bathroom.

He slept deeply that night without nightmares or falling out of bed and I dried and ironed his clothes. I noted his size so that when I headed out for my run the next morning, I popped early in to collect him fresh underwear. He was awake when I presented him with the gift and he blushed again. He stared at the floor for a long moment.

"I hope this isn't a ploy to completely undress me," he said in a serious tone, though his eyes were twinkling.

"Oh, I definitely intend to get my hands on your undies!" I teased him back. He grinned and munched through his plate of scrambled eggs on toast. I suspect they were rubbery but he was too polite to comment. Then he surprised me.

"I wonder...could I have a shower?" he asked me. I stared at him and realised he must feel horrible. I couldn't guess when he last had the opportunity and nodded but my eyes were concerned.

"Of course...but are you...I mean can you...?" I asked. He gave a wry smirk.

"Yeah-kinda had to," he reminded me. "When I lost my leg, my Dad wanted to be independent as soon as possible. Asgard forbid anyone help his useless Hiccup of a son!" His tone had briefly turned bitter and I looked at him in surprise. He covered his eyes and shook his head. "Sorry," he murmured. "I guess I'm just a little sensitive." I smiled and nodded.

"I'll get you a towel," I offered in the awkward silence that follows. "I'm afraid I've only got girly smelling products, though..." Hiccup tried to look concerned but instead, he just looked tired and shrugged, something his lanky frame was particularly well designed for.

"If anything, it'll throw them off my scent," he said dryly. "Or completely vindicate Snotlout and Tuff!"

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