Part 21: Going Out

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My training accelerated after that first lesson. Hiccup insisted I train twice a day, learning to fly and spending time with my dragon. He was kind, patient and determined to make me a better Rider. He also moved Stormfly to Pen One again because she needed more room to fly and she needed the room of the largest Pen.

But I was apprehensive. Scratch that-I was just plain scared. I had been flying in that pen and I had nearly died...and I didn't want to go there again. But Hiccup was kind, supportive and reassuring.

"I will be there with you, every step of the way-and so will Toothless," he told me gently, his hand grasping mine, his warm fingers lacing with mine. I leaned against him, feeling his body firm against my back. He rested his chin on the top of my head and breathed deeply. "I won't let anything happen."

"You better not-or I'll come back and haunt you!" I grumbled softly. He wrapped an arm around me and squeezed.

"Don't worry, Milady," he murmured. "You won't be haunting me any time soon."

"Well, that fills me with confidence," I shot back sarcastically.

But he insisted that coms were augmented to the Pen and that at least one other Rider accompanied us during lessons. However, he was very cautious who he asked-and I could understand his reticence. I wouldn't fancy having Snotlout, Eret or Dogsbreath Donald watching my lesson and passing all sorts of disparaging comments. Hiccup instead asked Fishlegs, Bucket and Mulch. The latter two were the oldest Riders, brothers who had been deemed suitable by whatever crazy screening procedures they used and with no family to miss them. Between them they rode the spiny blind dragon-the Whispering Death (yep-yet another stupid name. Why Whispering Death?)-and the white cold-breathing dragon, the Snow Wraith. Actually, that name made some kind of sense. But the men were tolerant, unobtrusive and reliable and watched with kindly smiles as I began simple exercises on Stormfly.

Hiccup had transferred Toothless back to Pen One and, as promised, he rode the Night Fury during every lesson, hovering alongside and demonstrating manoeuvres and tips. By the third day, we were starting to fly in synchronisation, climbing, diving, swooping and banking side by side and one after another to improve my abilities to work as part of a team. Actually, it was tremendous fun, flying together and speeding as fast as we could in the confines of the cave.

He also taught me to use Stormfly's armourments: her flame and her spines. Her flames was awesome, brilliant as magnesium and hot enough to melt rock. It was exhilarating to swoop down a strafe a patch of rock, the magnesium-bright flames reducing the target to a pool of red goo. Stormfly was quick and responsive, loving praise and glorying in showing off. I found that touching a specific spot on the back of her head got her to fire a spine directly forward with astonishing accuracy. She could also fire a spread of spines when encouraged, again with great accuracy. I found myself ridiculously proud of my girl.

It was the last day of my time off the infirmary when Hiccup gave me two presents: my saddle and my uniform. He had fitted the saddle carefully, showing me the attachments and I settled on the soft leather cautiously and a slow mile lit my face: it was moulded to my posterior (I cast Hiccup a suspicious glance-how had he managed that so accurately? He had blushed.) and really comfortable. I had made him turn around as I changed into my flight suit and had called him to turn back once it was on. I gave a twirl.

"Well?" He stood staring at me, his jaw open and green eyes wide with astonishment-and then his face moved into a slow, admiring smile.

"Stunning," he murmured, his cheeks heating with an embarrassed blush. "" I glanced down: the thing was form-fitting and pretty flattering but it was also-thankfully-my favourite azure and pale blue and I know that suited my eyes and my golden hair. I flipped the braid over one shoulder pointedly and he ran his hand nervously through his messy hair.

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