44: A not-so flawless plan

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Forty-Four: A not-so flawless plan

It took a lot longer than anticipated to tag the Night Terrors, mainly because they were panicking pathetically. In the end, we got Toothless to calm them as their Alpha and once he had roared, they were much more compliant. But they were still a devil to tag until Tuffnut, of all people, stepped in. He bonded with the white leader-which he named Smidvarg-and the others just followed. Finally, they were ready to go.

Hiccup reported everything to his father and the General immediately wanted to take charge, despite his medically-enforced recuperation, and vetoed the scheme to release and track them. Hiccup stood his ground, arguing that his plan was most rational. Words were said and Hiccup went out flying without a word. I sighed, checked where he was using his tracker and then went to the Mess to spend time with the others while he cooled down.

By bedtime he hadn't come back and I commed him-to get no reply. I began to get annoyed and a little worried so I dragged my pyjamas on and trudged down to the security station and demanded the duty officer located me Hiccup and Toothless. Finally, I peered at the data and scowled. Toothless was located about ten yards from Hiccup-and Hiccup was in a pub about fifty miles from the base. And he had been there for hours.

Livid, I went back to the room. I was tired and seriously annoyed. He had promised to talk to me, to share any worries, not bottle them up. Instead, he had run away completely, leaving me to worry. And while I knew he really had no one to support him for so many years, he was in a relationship now. I was here for him and I resented being just...abandoned. And while I was aware that part of that was really selfish, I had needed to cover all the base commander stuff he had just walked out on. I sighed, closed the door and got ready for bed. It would feel weird going to bed without Hiccup, strange being alone in the cold bed without his warm, comforting presence. I huffed, grabbed my e-reader and began to scan my long-abandoned novel. But I couldn't concentrate, worrying if he was okay because he had been very upset to run. His default was still running-the legacy of years of isolation, bullying and psychological and physical abuse and while I hoped he had begun to trust me it seemed...he hadn't. And finally I put it down and irritably clicked the light off, huffing and angry. Predictably, I ended up lying awake and planning painful revenge on Hiccup...until I heard noises at the door. I closed my eyes, lay still and waited.

It took him about six attempts to get the key in the door and when the door opened, I saw him out of the corner of my eyes, bent forward with the key still in his hand. "Shhh..." he said to himself and stumbled in.

Yep. He was drunk.

He tried to quietly close the door, plunging the room into pitch blackness. I could hear him slowly limping towards the bed, the rustling of his coat sounding as he dropped it on the chair. He was muttering to himself as he removed his waistcoat and shirt and then he paused by the bed. "Try not to wake Astrid," he reminded himself carefully, falling over with a loud thud. He scrambled up. "Stupid leg," he muttered and tried again, wrestling with his skinny jeans. Actually, I knew he always found them awkward even when he was sober: now, he didn't stand a chance and I heard him fall and slam into the floor again.

"Ow," he whined. "I have too many legs..." Then he wrestled with his prosthesis and managed to get it unstrapped before he finally shimmied out of his jeans. Finally, he crawled to the bed and managed to crawl in. He was totally uncoordinated and he accidentally caught me across the face as he tried to turn over.

"OW!" I snapped and turned angrily away from him. He moved and I could hear him fidgeting.

"'strid...sorry...I was trying to be quiet..." he slurred.

"You failed," I snapped.

"Least I tried," he protested.

"Shut up! Do you know what time it is?" I asked. He immediately went for his com and peered drunkenly at it.

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