Part 57: The Decision

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Fifty-Seven: The Decision

"We are entitled to have couple's quarters...because we are cohabiting...and engaged."

I stiffened at Hiccup's words and watched Throk's face at my boyfriend's declaration. The Colonel had gone red and his eyes flashed in fury, glaring furiously at Hiccup. But Hiccup's hand gently stretched back and closed around mine, his warm touch comforting. I opened my hand and laced my fingers with his.

"That is not in your records," Throk growled. Hiccup gave an ironic smile.

"Obviously not keeping up with the soap opera," he snarked. The Colonel paused, breathing hard then turned away.

"Dismissed," he snapped.

"So we're staying?" Hiccup clarified.

"That's what I said!" Throk snapped.

"Actually you didn't," Hiccup pointed out obviously, "otherwise I wouldn't have needed to check." I gripped his hand tighter.

"I will change accommodation assignments but you are permitted to keep your quarters," Throk growled with obvious reluctance and sat down. "Now get out of my office!" I saluted and Hiccup grinned, then hauled me out. Once in the corridor, we made it all the way to the end before I stopped and pulled him round to face me. His green eyes were sparkling with triumph and I looked deep into the emerald depths.

"So we're engaged, dragon boy?" I asked him directly, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. His hands closed over mine, fingers softly stroking the back of my hand. His eyes were suddenly uncertain.

"Um...not really but if you want to...I mean I understand but I didn't want you to move out and so I just yeah...sorry..." he mumbled, his confidence suddenly evaporating.

"Did you just propose?" I asked him.

"Um...not sure," he admitted. I smiled and leaned up into a kiss.

"Tell you decide if you want to or not and when you do, I'll give you an answer," I told him and he kissed me back.

"Good enough," he said, wrapping an arm around me. I slid my arm around his narrow waist and leaned against him. We walked along for a few moments and then he shifted slightly to look at me. " didn't mind, did you?" he added softly.

Did I mind? I mean, I fell for him really when he was in my apartment, sick and cute and sarcastic and clever. I followed him to BERK because I wanted the adventure...but I wanted Hiccup more. I made sure he knew I was his friend and fell in love with him...and though we had a few rocky moments...with his temper and complete self-sacrificing idiocy my stupidity and hot-headedness...I was never in doubt he actually loved me. I was probably the first girl he had loved...and certainly the first he had made love to...and while I had had sex before, he was also the first man I actually loved.

But did I want to spend my life with him? I knew Mum and Dad had been happy until the day they died-and they met at College and fell in love in a whirlwind romance. My Mum always told me that I would know the man when I met him...and Gran always told me it was love at first sight with Gramps. I knew I had scoffed when I was younger...but Hiccup was kind and caring and brilliant and brave and he loved me. I loved him.

I smiled. "Not at all," I reassured him. "Hm...I just hope Snotlout hasn't eaten our puddings." He pouted.

"I like where I am in your list of priorities," he sighed.

"Babe-I love you to pieces but pudding is pudding!" I grinned and he kissed the top of my hair.

"And afterwards?" he asked, his voice very hopeful. I leaned against him.

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