Part 59: Chasing Odin

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Fifty-Nine: Chasing Odin

In the dim reddish emergency lighting, the corridors by the open Pen doors were very spooky and every sense was on edge as we listened out for dragons. Zippy and George kept by our side, their little jerking head movements not that reassuring. I suspected their sense of hearing was better than ours and they could hear the wandering dragons, exploring the unfamiliar freedom of the base. Hiccup was limping badly, his jagged breathing concerning me but he gave me that small smile of his and soldiered on, emerald gaze sweeping the corridor. Finally, we reached the corner and the box containing the trank gun. But when I punched in the release code...nothing happened.

I wanted to scream but repeated the release code, hoping I had just got it wrong. When that didn't work, I did scream and slam my fist into the reinforced metal box, clenching my hands in frustration. I needed that gun! But Hiccup gently caught my arms, leaning close.

"Easy, Milady," he soothed me. "It's okay." Then he limped unsteadily to the box and carefully removed a screwdriver from the little pouch built into his suit along his right forearm. As I watched, taut with anxiety, he deftly unscrewed the panel, hot-wired it and pressed '*' four times. There was a clunk and the box swung open. He sketched a small bow. "I also do parties," he added, a small smug smile tilting his lips. I grabbed the gun, holster and extra clips and gave him a broad grin.

"I'll bear that in mind-though I hope you won't have to hot-wire anything at our wedding," I told him. He grinned.

"I wouldn't dare," he admitted and then stiffened as a shadowy shape emerged from the gloom, the puzzle of his pistol trained on us both.

"Drop the gun or I'll shoot!" a hard voice snapped and we both raised our hands.

"Um..friend, Thuggory," Hiccup suggested but the Lieutenant took a balanced step forward, the gun snapping to aim directly at Hiccup's heart. He stiffened and I focussed on the soldier, seeing his eyes fare with anger.

"I should have known you would be in league with them," he accused him in a cold voice. "Makes perfect sense-you work in IT and were friends with the traitor Dagur and..."

Hiccup stiffened and dropped his hands.

"No I fucking wasn't!" he shouted, his eyes glittering with fury.

"One more step and I drop you!" Thuggory snarled. Hiccup froze, his face locked in fury. I could tell he was dying to say more but he didn't know Lieutenant Thyssen and didn't trust him not to shoot. "You know, I think your father, General Haddock was absolutely right!" Thuggory snarled. "You are a disappointment and a traitor and..."

"Drop the gun, Lieutenant," I said in an equally angry voice. "We're members of BERK and you have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Shut up, Lieutenant!" he snarled back. "I am your commanding officer, if you hadn't forgotten..." That made my blood boil and I decided just to check that out.

"Really?" I asked him snappily. "Only in a Riding situation-and this really doesn't look that, does it? I am a Lieutenant in the RAMC so I need to know which of us actually has authority. Date of commission, now!" He glared at me. "I've been in BERK a damned sight longer than you and I know what's going on. You've been here five minutes and are trying to shoot the two people who kept this damned place running, weeded out the traitors and kept the dragons out of Alvin's and Drago's hands! DATE OF COMMISSION!"

"Three years ago, March," Thuggory admitted. I gave a small smile.

"Bad luck," I told him sharply. "I passed Sandhurst and was awarded my commission four years and seven months ago before I entered University. I have seniority and am assuming command as of now. Now lower the fucking gun, soldier!" He glared at me and I felt Hiccup shift...but finally Thuggory holstered his weapon and moved to stand at ease-though he looked pretty mad about it. Hiccup took a wary step back.

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