Part 35: I can't lose you

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"Yer failed!" Alvin's tone was accusing. Dagur folded his arms and scowled: his dragon had been injured by the damned Night Fury and Hiccup had escaped-though he was clearly delightfully bruised from his encounters with Bludvist's men. His heart pounded a little faster as he fantasised over the chance to spend more time with the lanky rider in the near future and add his own wounds to that enticing skinny body-but he forced himself to pull his attention back to the huge and irritated shape of Alvin.

"Actually, I would say Dogsbreath failed," he said coldly. "But he won't be making that mistake again!" Alvin shook his head and sat back heavily in his huge leather chair.

"I can see bein' yer friend or family ain't a safe place ter be!" he commented thoughtfully. "The rest of our agents also seem ter 'ave failed me."

"Not all," Heather said calmly, walking up to stand by her brother. She flashed him a small smile. "Amund has returned with the news that he has installed all the failsafes we wished before they were uncovered."

"And what Bludvist asked?" Alvin's eyes narrowed.

"His plan is complex but I think we can achieve it-provided they buy our story," Heather told him.

"My sis is the brains of the family," Dagur said proudly, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"No, that was Ozzie," Heather said quietly as his expression darkened.

"Don't mention that name again!" he hissed. She blinked and then smiled.

"Dagur, baby-you need to chill," she reminded him. "We have their base set up the way we want and they will now think they are secure...until we remind them that we have absolute control of their destiny. And then we take what we want."

"The Night Fury..." Alvin breathed, she eyes gleaming at the thought of the payout. Dagur's fists clenched so his knuckles showed white. He gave a sadistic grin.



It was much later and the entire team had submitted reports of their encounters, much to my satisfaction. Mine had taken ages because I seemed to have been in this whole mess from the beginning. The Changewing, Barf'n'Belch and Toothless were being cared for by Bucket and Mulch: the two oldest riders had come from a career in animal husbandry and had a way with the dragons. They also helped out as Veterinary techs so I knew the casualties would be in safe hands. I had visited the infirmary and Major Gothi had filled me in on the General: he was stable, his respiratory system was holding up well and his EEG was satisfactory. He should make a full recovery, even though he remained in a coma: Snotlout had got him help in time.

Snotlout was being looked after by Eret, the twins, Cami and Mulch, who had managed to smuggle a shed load of booze in and had got Snot utterly wasted. It was probably the best thing that could happen to him tonight: tomorrow, he would have to face up to what had happened, to what he had done and who he had done it for. I had seen him in the infirmary before they ushered him away and he had nodded politely and sighed.

"You were right," he had mumbled as he had turned back to his vigil over his Uncle-as the others arrived to take him away and distracted him. Hiccup was there was well, seated by the bedside and holding his father's huge hand. I gathered it was what he had done for me when I was in here as well. But he had blanked me on his return from the glen when we had finally made our way back to Pen One and had ignored me when I approached him in the infirmary as well. He had blinked rapidly then looked away, focussing his entire concentration on his father. Yesterday, I would have persisted, but now I really wasn't sure where we were anymore. I began to doubt everything he had told me about his past, his feelings, his sincerity and I was feeling angry and hurt. And I was not going to be rejected three times.

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