Part 54: A Little Alone Time

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A/N: While I have had requests, I actually feel I probably suck at writing 'lemons' so I'll leave the details to your imaginations...just imagine it went rather well...

Fifty-Four: A little alone time.

Waking the next morning had been different. The earth hadn't quite moved but I was snuggled against Hiccup, his arm draped protectively across my body and there was a contented smile on his face. In fact, he looked happy as he lay there, an expression I hadn't really seen much on his face since we had met. I fidgeted a little closer, snuggling into his naked chest and his arm tightened around me, his chin resting on the top of my head. He was warm and solid and I felt safe. And the memory of our encounter just made me smile as well: he had been gentle and loving and utterly fantastic. I was completely in love with him.

"...mornin', Milady..." he murmured sleepily. He still sounded exhausted, though whether from the amazing previous night or the cumulative effect of everything he had gone through in the last couple of weeks, I wasn't sure. I burrowed my head against his chest and hummed in comfort.

"I think we may have to get up soon," I told him. He moved his arm slightly, snuggling me firmly.

"Just another hour or two," he pleaded sleepily. My alarm buzzed and I sighed, then pulled away from his warm embrace, slapping the dratted thing silent. He whined, snagged me and pulled me back into his embrace. "You wouldn't want a wounded man getting cold, would you?" he whined gently, his bleary emerald gaze focussing on me.

"Wounded?" I murmured, smiling. "Hmm...not sure a wounded man could do what you were up to last night..." He grinned and nuzzled his cheek against the top of my head.

"Um...were you...I mean...was it...?" I lifted my head and kissed him to stop him babbling.

"Babe-you were amazing..." I told him honestly and his eyes widened...and a surge of self-confidence warmed his expression. His lips lifted in a small smirk.

"Only for you," he murmured softly as I sighed, then sat up, dragging my nightshirt on and walking tiredly to the shower room. "Hey...what did I say...?" he protested softly.

"Babe-I need a shower and then we have to take those dragons flying," I sighed, knowing he really wasn't a natural morning person. He lay back, throwing his hands above his head, his head thrown back and eyes closed.

"You're right," he accepted as I vanished. "Wake me when you get out..."

I emerged about fifteen minutes later, still combing out my damp hair and he was snoring softly. I swiftly dressed and braided my hair, then walked over and stripped the blankets off him.

He gave a little scream and clutched at them as cold air wafted over...everything. His eyes snapped open and he sat up, instinctively curling protectively and grabbing the blankets, clutching them desperately to his naked body and shielding himself from view. There was no whimsical joking now...he was suddenly panicking, terrified, his shoulders hunched, revealing the horrible scars on his back. I stiffened, shocked and overwhelmed by guilt: what had I done?

I stared at him, seeing his body tensed rigid in fear, his green eyes wide and dark with terror and shame and his gaze shimmering with tears. And the words came back to me, making me wonder exactly what had happened...or more precisely, how it had happened...because I knew suddenly what I had reminded him of...

I was sexually abused. Dagur...raped me...

Quietly and slowly, I eased onto the bed and slid next to him, tentatively wrapping my arms around him. I leaned my head close to his, tears in my eyes. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered. "I-I didn't even think..." He curled up, his knees pulling up to his chest and face pressing down into them. His shoulders were shaking. He shook his head desolately, his breathing ragged.

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