Part 49: The Crowned Dragon

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Forty-Nine: The Crowned Dragon

Hiccup had never felt so cold. Even though he was pressed hard against Toothless and was as low as he could be over the Night Fury's neck, he had lost sensation in his hands some time ago and his face was so cold it was stinging as if Ryker had slapped him a dozen times. Toothless was flying fast and direct, his body streamlined as his huge wings flapped, flying them close to the sea at almost top speed. After being cooped up for so long, the Night Fury was full of energy and he was enjoying the rapid flight, but Hiccup was too anxious, strained and exhausted to properly savour the experience. He buried his freezing face into Toothless's warm neck, feeling the play of muscles as the great wings pumped away. Toothless felt him hunker down and gave a low rumble.

"I know, bud," he murmured into the dragon's neck. "It's a lot to ask...but if anyone can make a thousand mile trip towards the man I've been trying to avoid like mad before the Grimborns can warn him, it's you."

Toothless humphed. Hiccup slowly raised his face, feeling the icy wind hit like another slap.

"And there's someone you oughtta meet," he murmured softly. "All the books said your kind were very rare-almost extinct...but you gotta meet Myrkr...she's a female Night Fury...and Drago has her..."

There was an interested croon.

"She's kinda cute," he admitted, resting his head against the warm scales again, the wind racing over his back. "And I think you'll like her, bud..." Another croon. "No, you're my best friend, bud. In fact, after this, you may be my only friend..."

Toothless warbled sadly.

"No, I'm pretty sure Astrid is after my guts," Hiccup sighed. "And my Dad...well, I suspect he'll shoot me on sight..." Another warble. "But at least I have you..." Toothless crooned and craned his neck to try to look back at his rider. "C'mon, bud...let's get this over with," Hiccup murmured as they accelerated over the water, then allowed a brief smile to warm his face. "Our destiny awaits."



"Exactly where we thought, Lieutenant," Will explained to me. "Zemlya Frantsa-Iosifa-Franz Josef Land..."

"What do the trackers show?" I asked, leaning forward to peer at the screen myself.

"Hiccup, Toothless and the Night Terrors are all there," the young tech reported, tapping the screen with his pen. "The Terrors are now crossing northern Norway while Toothless and Hiccup are heading directly back towards Akureyri..."

"And their new BFF, Drago," I snarked, feeling guilty as I said the words, especially as he cast me a sideways look. "I'm sorry, Will. I know he was your boss-but he's thrown his lot in with the Grimborns and we know he's spent a fair amount of time in Drago's complex..."

"His estimated ground speed is in excess of four hundred miles an hour...wait, that can't be right..." he murmured and then I smiled.

"He's on Toothless, the fastest dragon in the world," I murmured, a little nostalgic grin lifting my lips-and then I reminded myself that it was done. "Tell me when he arrives and get me satellite imagery of Drago's complex." I straightened up. "Now what is so damned important you have to fly a thousand miles to get back to Drago, Hiccup?" I murmured.


They had slowed as they approached the coast of Iceland-though slow was a relative term, for they only dropped to a mere hundred miles and hour as they crossed the coastline and began to skim low over the rugged volcanic landscape. Hiccup peered through narrowed eyes, dinking and banking as they swerved through the hills, lava flows and gulleys, using the geography to shield their approach to Bludvist's complex. Finally, they landed unheralded on the drive, just before the main door and Hiccup walked up confidently, a smile on his features.

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