Part 42: Convergence

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The Complex came into sight on our Night Vision and I swept the Team round in a tight, low level pass. "Everyone ready?" I shouted.

"Chill, LT," Snotlout called. "These bastards aren't gonna know what's hit them!" I managed a small smile.

"Team One: Snot, Gustav and twins-attack!" I commanded and the dragons swooped low, dropping off their security personnel before the Monstrous Nightmares flamed up and the twins whooped and arrowed down, focussed like never before. The area we had identified as the barracks and security centre suddenly exploded as three dragons slammed into the building. The explosion the twins caused ripped the side wall off one of the buildings and lights exploded all over the building.

"Team Two: Bucket, Mulch, Cami-get those dragons! Especially Blanche!" I added, flipping Toothless over the main building and aiming him at a security camera. I felt the sudden build up of pressure and then he flipped round and coughed a purple jet of plasma that annihilated the camera with pinpoint accuracy. The second team spiralled down, taking out all cameras and anyone stupid enough to get in their way. Stormfly was willingly spraying spines at the half dozen idiotic guards who ran at the dragons and I saw Mulch patting her gently. He was a short, round and very hairy man who was preternaturally nice and patient with his larger and simpler older brother. I knew he missed Blanche horribly and hoped they could get her free quickly-and then I could have my girl back. They dropped off their security escorts and they ran in our direction.

"Boys-with me!" I shouted as we swooped down to the main building, picking off all the camera and defensive points and any guards who ran out and sprayed machine gun rounds at us. I was actually getting pretty fed up of being shot at and I knew Eret was as well. Fishlegs had his game face on and looked surprisingly serious for such a quiet and gentle man. Meatlug, his adorable Gronckle, was also looking serious and coughed a huge dollop of lava at the main entrance, literally melting the doors open! Toothless enlarged the opening with another plasma blast as we swooped around and another five men rushed out. Eret knocked them out with a blast from his dragon.

I soared up on Toothless and viewed the battle as another explosion sounded, accompanied with screaming. The twins had now demolished the barracks completely and the Monstrous Nightmares were harrying any guard stupid enough to fire at them. The enemy casualties were mounting rapidly and I could hear the exchange of gunfire as our security met the defenders. I could hear shouting-and some cursing- over the com as Snotlout took charge of his team and deployed them effectively.

"All good, Snot?" I asked and I heard an explosion over the com.

"Son of a Half-troll!" Ruff exclaimed as they flipped through an expanding fireball. "That was HUGE!"

"NUTS ROCK!" Tuff screamed happily as their Zippleback blasted a jeep apart.

"Hey, this is doing wonders for my stress levels!" he shouted back over the com. "Things are under control here, Lieutenant! Go get my cuz!"

"Team three-let's go in!" I ordered as we swooped down and Toothless exploded into the main lobby with the other two at my back. Defenders shot at us and a flurry of dragons wings shielded us as we snatched our trank guns and exchanged fire. Then a burst of rifle-fire echoed in the lobby as Sergeant Grimsdaal led a trio of security from outside who outflanked the defenders.

"Go ahead, Lieutenant!" he shouted. "We'll sort these guys! Green squad-you're with the Officer!"

"We'll leave you some support!" I shouted, nodding to Eret and Fishlegs. We dashed forward into the corridor but left Meatlug and Skullcrusher in the hall, guarding our retreat. Toothless bounded alongside us as our security guards dismounted and came with us, leaving the others clearing the entrance. I know there was no way that the Night Fury was going to stay away from his beloved Rider. I pressed myself against the wall as we reached a junction, lifted my weapon and motioned the others to do so as well. Then I turned to the Night Fury as I heard security shoot a couple of hostiles in the left hand corridor as the dragon looked up at me.

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