Part 40: Don't mess with Lieutenant Hofferson

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Hiccup wrestled and fought, thrashing against the strong hands holding him as they restrained him after they arrived back in Alvin's base. Alvin's men were manhandling him roughly into a steel chair, situated in the middle of a blank white room. The floor was made of concrete and he thought he could see faint brown stains on the floor: old blood. Cruel hands forced his limbs against the metal structure of the chair and the plastic ties they fastened bit deeply into his arms. He could feel the surge of pain as they cut across the stitches in his left arm and he winced. His legs were pinned, tied tightly at the ankle and the knee. Then the men withdrew to the periphery of the room and watched as he gritted his teeth against the pain, still struggling. Alvin fisted his hair and leaned close, the man's foul breath caressing his pale skin as he pulled his head right back.

"Yer know, boy-Drago really wanted yer for 'is own!" he breathed. Hiccup swallowed, blinking hard. He couldn't imagine how that would work but he knew the man would kill him slowly and painfully.

"Sucks to be popular," he gasped.

"And I want yer more," Alvin told him, his beard bristling against Hiccup's bruised cheek.

"Not my type," Hiccup gulped.

"Dagur is," Alvin chuckled. "'E's dying to get inter yer pants, boy!"

"I-I-I'll pass..." Oh please, I will pass.

Alvin laughed as he felt the prisoner tremble, saw the fear in his eyes, despite his brave words and knew that Hiccup had too much baggage to resist them for long...and had far too much history with Dagur. He lifted his head and nodded as one of his men walked forward and stabbed the fine needle into Hiccup's extended neck, emptying the syringe into his trembling body. Hiccup shivered and gasped as Alvin released him and watched the young man slump forward.

Hiccup felt sweat stand out of his brow and felt the heat coursing through his body. His limbs felt heavy-so very heavy, utterly impossible to move. He struggled and felt his focus melting, his resistance evaporating. Alvin was very close, threatening pain, threatening...Dagur. Hiccup knew the deranged rider wanted him...wanted to rape him and possess him and he was repelled by Dagur. But perhaps Dagur would be kind and loving and gentle, if he was a colleague, not an enemy...


He shook his head. These men had caused him immeasurable pain and misery and fear, had tried to steal his beloved Toothless...

...but maybe they had the right of it? Why should the dragons belong to governments when they could belong to their riders? To people who understood and DESERVED to rule using their power...

People like Alvin. People like Drago. Not Hiccup. Never Hiccup.

...but it could Your Dad lied and rejected you for so many had no home, no friends, no family...

You have a family. Your Dad is proud of you. Gobber loves you like a son. Toothless is your brother, your protector, your constant companion, your best friend... pathetic are you, with your only friend a dragon? How pathetic are you that no girl would ever go out with you, they all laugh at you and scorn you and humiliate you? No wonder they think...

You have Astrid. Those men ordered Ozzie dead. Ozzie was your friend and they took him from you. You have Gobber and Fish and even your cousin. They tried to kill you and your father and Astrid...

...oh, Astrid...please get me out of here! Please help me against these monsters! Please stop the voices, nagging and insistent and whispering such seductive lies...Please stop me becoming what I hate, what I loathe! Please protect me from Dagur and his psychopathic desire to turn me into his brother though he means lover... But you're the only one I want...You are the only one I love...Pleasepleaseplease believe me...I will never betray you...I want to come back to you and be with you and never leave you...I love you...

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