Chapter 14- Barriers

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The drive to school is very silent after Ashton gives up after trying to gain my attention for so long. Ha Karma.
When we finally arrive at school, I see a group of Ashton's friends lined out in the parking lot. OMG, I don't want them to see me in his car. I start sliding down the seat to try and hide myself.

"You know that they're gonna see you anyways. " Ashton says as he notices my action. I let out a sigh and sit back up in the seat. Worst frickin day of my life.
Ashton parks his car near his friends and I feel scared immediately as I see two of his friend staring at me. I look around at their face before I notice the boy that humiliated me in the school bus a year ago.
I sit and watch as Ashton turns off the car and gets out while stupid me just sits there clutching my bag to my chest.

"Aren't you getting out?" Ashton asks as he leans down and speaks to me through the window. I look around at his friends who just stand there staring at me with confusion on their faces.

"Um, yea, yea." I manage to say as I pull the door and slowly step out. I can't do this.

So I run.

Just as I feel freedom sweep over me. I get tripped by a boy right in the locker room. I fall right down on my stomach with my face lying on the floor. Could I be more embarrassed?
An eruption of laughter burst out from the mouths of the students lined across the hallway. Why did I have to run?
I slowly scramble up from the floor to see my now crumpled eyeglasses on the ground. Just great. I panic as I try to gather my books that are lying all over the floor. I see a girl fall to her knees as she helps me to place my books in my bag. She has thick brown hair that is tied up in a bun and she's wearing a skinny jeans and tank top covered by a cardigan. She is really pretty even with small freckles on her nose. She doesn't look familiar so I guess she's new.
As soon as she places all my stuff in my bag, she stands up while grabbing my wrist to pull me up as well. She drags me into the nearest restroom and closes the door to block out all the laughing and staring aimed at me.

"Hey am Lacey." She says as she smiles and offers me her hand to shake.

"I am Jennifer and thanks for the help back there."

"It's nothing, I've experienced all that already." She says as she shrugs her shoulder."You should get cleaned up though."
I forgot that I probably have dirt patches on my face.
I turn on the faucet and wash my face with the cold water while Lacey just stands there watching me.
I wash my face cleanly before pulling my hair from the ponytail. My hair looks like a blonde mess.
"Here I'll help you." She takes a brush from her bag and starts to comb my hair into a bun. She also adds some blush to my face and lip gloss to my slightly chapped lips. I really need to get some makeup for myself. As soon as I finish adjusting my skirt and blouse, I hear the bell ring for the first class. Lacey quickly pulls her bag up her shoulder and exits the restroom after telling me goodbye. It's time for me to face the crowd.
I slowly open the door and peek out. I am relieved when I spot no one in the hallway so I hurriedly make my way to class.
As I place my books in my locker to head home. I spot Lacey walking quickly towards me.

"Hey stranger, where were you? I didn't even spot you in the lunchroom." She says with a huge smile on her face.

She was right. I ate lunch in the janitor's room today because I didn't want to see Ashton or any of his friends.

I changed the subject before grabbing Lacey's arm when I see one of Natalia's friend walking towards us. I run to the restroom with Lacey and shut the door behind us.

"What are you hiding from Jenny." I hear a voice say. I know that the voice doesn't belong to Lacey so I slowly turn around to see Natalia smirking at me with her hands on her hips.

Before I can answer, she grabs me by the collar and slams me against the wall.

"If you ever disrespect me like that again I will make your life a living hell" She says as she stares angrily at me. "and stay away from my Ashton because he doesn't want idiots like you."

Her Ashton? What would she have said if she saw him with the blonde girl this morning? Snap out of it you idiot she has you pinned to the wall. I ignore my subconscious and continue to stare at her. I start to tremble when she lifts up her hand. I close my eyes and turn my head to prepare myself for the slap. After a few seconds had passed, I feel my collar loosen as she lets me go and storms out the door. As the week quickly slides by, I hide from Ashton. I don't eat at the table, I only come out of my room when I go to school and I practically hide from him at school because I am doing as I was told.
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