Chapter 17- the visit

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Life is what you make it so try living it to it's fullest.

I look at my eyes in the mirror as I comb my long blonde hair. My eyes have black circles around them which was the result of me crying myself to sleep. I pull out a knee length yellow dress that Lacey bought for me yesterday. It hugged my curves and didn't show much cleavage. I like it. I let down my hair in bouncy curls on my shoulder. I grab a pair of white tons and quickly add some blush to my cheeks and mascara to darken my blonde eyelashes. I quickly apply some lipstick before grabbing my purse and rushing out the door. I slowly tiptoe down the stairs as I don't spot anyone and rush to the door. Just as I start to turn the knock I hear the footsteps of heels behind me.

"Where are you going?" Michelle asks as she stands smirking at me with her hands crossed.

"I, I am going to visit my dad." I answer in a surprise and scared tone.

"You don't look like you are going to visit your dad." She is so disgusting how haven't I noticed she was so evil from day one. "Anyway the maids are off today and I want you to clean this place when you get back." She orders.

I don't think I have heard right. Clean? I didn't clean much when I lived with grandma.
"Are you kidding me?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Do I look like am joking?" She asks with a serious expression on her face. I gulp. "You think that you can just come here and live here like a queen? Well think again because you're wrong." She was dead serious.

I feel the tears brimming at the corner of my eyes threatening to escape any minute. What have I gotten myself into?
I rush to the door before she can say anything else to me and run as fast as I can until I reach the gate. I got in a cab and went to see my dad immediately. He was the cause of all of this.
As I arrive at the prison, I am directed by the police to the waiting room. I sit down and wait patiently as minutes pass before dad comes out with handcuffs on his hand. A security unlocks the handcuffs and remove them from his hand before he sits down.

Dad looks like hell. I haven't ever seen him like this before. His face had a bushy mustache and a long untamed hair . He had veins sticking out on his forehead showing a clear sign of stress. I noticed that a scar was now above his left eye. What did they do to him in this place?

"Hey Jenny, you look really beautiful as always." He silently says as he places his hand next to mine on the table. He examines my face with sadness in his eyes.

"Dad, why did all this have to happen to us?" I ask with the tears finally running down my cheeks.

"Am really sorry. I didn't want any of this to happen to you. I tried my best to take care of you but I failed miserably." He has tears in his eyes as he looks at me with sympathy. I want to comfort him but I feel so angry and miserable.
I start to cry harder before hugging him. I don't want to leave him like this. He starts to coo me as I sit on his leg. I missed him so much.

"You'll have to take good care of yourself now because I don't know when I'll be getting out of here." He whispers against my hair.

"There is money in your bank account that your mother left for you."

"M, my mother? What does she have to do with this?" I ask him as I make my back to the chair.

"She paid me a visit last month. She wanted to bail me out but I refused. She is now married to a rich guy and has two other kids. I didn't think I'd see the day my runaway ungrateful wife would show her face to me again." He says as he runs his hand through his untidy hair. I don't like to see my dad like this. I don't know why he had killed that lady but it seemed very important.

"Why'd you do it dad?" I asked as tears came back at the tip of my eyes.

Before he could answer the security told us the visiting time was over. I ran and hugged dad before they took him away. I don't know when I'll see him again but I'll miss him really bad.

I walked out of the old police station with sadness. I want to know how much money my mother had left in my bank account. I wonder what she wants from us. She didn't tell me she was going to leave when she did. I just woke up one morning and she was gone while dad was on one of his business trips. My parents really have messed my life up. I want to leave Seattle one day and travel the rest of the world where I won't have so many issues. I want freedom from all of this.
I walk to the neatest ATM to check the balance on my account. When I do I am so surprise that I check it again. My mom must really have a lot of money because she left enough money to get me and apartment and finance me for six months. I want to thank her but I have no means whatsoever of contacting her. By the way, I am still upset with her about leaving me.

I don't know what I am going to do but I don't want to go back to Ashton's house now because I am not going to clean it.
Instead I jump in a cab and drive to the apartment I am supposed to live in. I arrive there in the blink of an eye when I tell the driver the address. I pay him and hurriedly get out of the car. The tree storey apartment is not what I expect. It has broken windows and peeling paint. I can't live here.

I turn around to leave when I spot another apartment across the street with a much better appearance. It has a sign with rooms for rent pasted on the wall. I think this is the right one. I hurriedly cross the street to the apartment and I slide open the glass door. I look around the interior of the lobby which is all white except for a few paintings and the small black sofas. A man sit by the stairs reading a newspaper. I decide to ask him where I c a n find the landlord.

"Hello, good morning, may I ask who the owner of this building?"

The man looks up from the newspaper and starts to smile."That would be me. Are you interested in a room?"

"Yes sir. May I ask what the price is per month for a room?" I hope it isn't too expensive because of don't know when I'll find a job and I don't want to use all my money.

He tells me the price of the room and I find it reasonable but I realize that if I don't find a job soon I'll be on the street within a year.

"May I see the rooms you have?" I ask hoping that they are already furnished.

He stands up and walks to the elevator and I hurriedly follow him.
We reach to the second floor within seconds and he walks out the elevator without saying a word to me.

He pulled the second door and walks inside and I follow him. I look around to see the room furnished with mostly black and white furniture. I kind of really like it because I won't have to buy anything. There is a huge bed in the corner of the room with a dresser opposite it. There are two other small rooms leading to what I suppose the bathroom and one the kitchen. I'll take it.
I arrive at the mansion close to midday and get the surprise of my life. There stands Michelle and Natalia with my bags of clothing at the door.
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