Chapter 16- Dependency

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Rafael is the first to arrive in the kitchen followed by Michelle then Jenna.
I start to scrub the burn out of the pot hoping they won't get upset.

"Jennifer, what happened? He says out of breath.

"Clumsy Jennifer burned the eggs and the pot." Ashton says as he smirks at me. I just want to smack him across the head with the frying pan. Asshole.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I wasn't paying attention." I say trying to get myself out of this.

"Maybe you should be more careful with things." Michelle shot at me. Why was she being so hostile to me. She hadn't ever react to me this way.

"Am really sorry." I say to Michelle.

"Stop being such a baby and start acting more like a teenager." Michelle says as she rolls her eyes.
My mouth gapes and everyone including Ashton turned to look at her.

"Michelle enough! What has gotten into you? Am sure she didn't do it on purpose." Rafael says as he stands up for me.

"It's fine." I say as I grab my iPod and run up the stairs.

This is what you get when you have to depend on people for help. I have to see my dad because am gonna curse him out for making my life so miserable. I really miss him though and grandma. I reach my room then close the door without locking it them I slide down on the floor and start to cry. I should really stop acting like a baby and woman up. I need to get an apartment and then start working to send myself to college. Ashton caused all this but I shouldn't blame him. I was the one that came in their life and started to act like a spoiled brat. I hear knocking at the door but I make no move to try and open it. I quickly wipe my face with the sheets and stand up.

"Come in."

I see the door slowly open and Ashton steps inside. He now has a shirt on and he has a worried expression on his face.

"Were you crying?"

"No, I just rubbed my eyes with soap." I say in a sarcastic tone.

He frowns at me before saying anything. "Am sorry for what happened downstairs. It was all my fault."

"No it's not your fault. I am the one who just came in your lives." I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"Don't say that. You didn't cause any of this to happen in your life and my mom shouldn't have spoken to you like that. He says as he runs his hand through his blonde hair in frustration.

"She's right though. I should stop acting like a baby and do things on my own. I don't have a family here so this is not my home." Just saying the words cut like a knife and it hurts me so badly. I don't know what I have done to deserve any of this. I look at him and see pure sympathy and regret in his eyes.

"You shouldn't talk lik." I cut him off by placing my index finger on his lips.

"I am ready to tutor you so just drop this."

"OK" he says as he holds my wrist while staring in my eyes.

I break the eye contact and open the door. Ashton turns around and heads out the door.

The tutoring session was boring as he didn't tease me as he would use to. He doesn't bring up the argument and am kind of glad he didn't. I need to get an apartment so I can move out and find my self a real job. I also need to go shopping to get some new clothes because am running out. Thanks to this tutoring I have enough to get me on my feet.

I do my laundry then I text Lacey to ask her if she could go shopping with me. She doesn't hesitate before she tells me she will pick me up in twenty minutes. I give her the address and leave the laundry room.
I don't spot anyone when I go back up the stairs. Maybe they all went out. I really need to apologize to Michelle for this morning.
I quickly wash my body then go to my closet to choose my clothes. I choose a pink tube top, a white cardigan and a white skinny jeans then match it out with white ankle socks and a converse. I look nice but it is not my usual attire so I debate whether to wear it or not. I don't have the time to change because Lacey will be here in five minutes. I do my hair in a ponytail then place two small earrings in my ears. I look really nice for the first time that I can remember even though I'm just going shopping. I grab my purse and phone just as I hear a car honk at the gate.

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