The New Student.

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Y/N's POV:

The door in the front of the classroom slid open as a figure walked into the room, all eyes were glued to the action, everyone wanted to know who this mysterious figure was. "Hello, my name is Kaname. Nice to meet you all. I hope we can all get along for the school year." He flashed a smile that could put Tamaki Suo to shame. Mainly every female near you exploded but you, you were extremely bored by the new development. You stifled a yawn, and closed your e/c eyes for a second. The room got quiet. You warily peered open your orbs, to be suprised by Kaname to be at your desk leaning over you. "Huh?!?" A yelp escaped your l/c lips as he smirked. "I do hope I haven't frightened you, I'm sorry, what's your name?" He asked smoothly. "Y-y/n." Get it together! It's just some stranger! "Well y/n, may I please sit next to you?" He requested. "Sure, whatever." What is it with this guy? I feel like I've seen him somewhere before... But I can't seem to put my finger on it... You glanced to your right where Kaname now sat. "Excuse me, Kaname, you never gave us your last name." My teacher finally pipes in. "Oh, how rude of me, I apologize. My last name is Kuran." Kaname stated politely. Kaname Kuran huh? Wait, Kuran?!? That name is from... From Vampire Knight. First Zero, now Kaname. Is this all just a dream or some sick joke? Or is it the real deal?

Time skip to Lunch!

Kaname's POV:

"Y/N huh?" I mumbled to myself as I stepped outside into the shadows. It wasn't the name that captivates me, it's her personality. She didn't fangirl over me when I talked to her or even looked her in the eye. "Ah, those beautiful e/c eyes. They shine like the ocean at sunset!" I reached into my uniform's pocket and grabbed a little round pill which I quickly dropped into my water. I can't last off of these forever... I thought to myself. But, who's blood am I willing to take? And, more importantly, who trusts me enough to give it willingly? Maybe if I work up with y/n, I could take a bit of hers. She looked delectable. But, the question is, can I last that long on only supplements?

Oooh, were you expecting Zero to be the new student? Nope! Don't worry. You two will formaly meet soon so hang in there, but does Kaname have his sights set on you? Find out in the next chapter! Please vote, comment, and keep reading this x reader. Please keep in mind that this is the first I have ever done so I am trying! Bye!

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