Mine Mine Mine Mine

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3rd POV:

The tall figure slowly followed the pair as they bashfully conversed.  His brown eyes narrowed in hatred towards the silver haired male.

"Tch. Trash."

The unknown man sighed and quickly pulled out his phone.  He halted enough to make sure the two could not overhear his conversation and dialed the number he had saved just in case of an emergency.  This emergency,  however, related to his only priority.   You.

"Why, hello Ichiru.  I've decided that I do need your help after all.  Your brother, he's in my way.  I'll keep Y/N under control as long as you can help me get her into my arms.  You can handle to your brother however you see fit.  Moreover, there will be a certain... surprise.... waiting for him.  An old friend as long as you have no objections?"

The brown haired boy smirked as he finished his speech.  He already knew how this would play out.  He had heard about your little run in with Ichiru in the woods and how he desperately wanted you under control.  The event also had sparked a small flame of hatred between the twins.  Suddenly a voice chimed in through the small telephone.

"Why would I have any objections? It benefits me to every extent.  So you can ensure that Y/N will not get in my way?"

As Ichiru fell silent once more, the tall figure let out a small chuckle and simply answered

"Why, of course Ichiru.  Now, do we have a deal?"


The brown haired vampire chuckled once more and his brown eyes gleamed with mischief.  

"Excellent! Well, they are on their way to the courtyard as we speak.  I suspect they will split up there. You know what to do.  Goodbye Ichiru."

The male on the other end laughed maniacally and prepared himself to strike at Y/N once more.

"Goodbye Kaname."

Y/N's POV:

Zero and I had just reached the courtyard in the school and we said our goodbyes.  We were both clearly shaken up, but Zero started to become a bit colder.  It was barely noticeable but it sent a spike of ice into your soft heart.

I sharply turned my head to the left, the direction Zero had walked,  to the sound of footsteps resonating through the air.


I asked in confusion as the silver haired male walked up to me for the second time in a few minutes. 

"Y/N we need to talk.  You were right, I could never love someone as useless as you.  I've realized that you get into too much trouble for what you're worth.  I already have someone in my heart, you reminded me of her old self for a moment and I portrayed my emotions towards her onto you.  Please forgive me, but I no longer want any contact with you, you keep bringing back memories of Yuki and I can't bear to see your ugly face.  You remind me of a carp fish.  You never shut your mouth and you only care about yourself.  Nobody will ever care about you, especially not me.  Now, if you'll excuse me; oh wait... I don't care if you excuse me!"

His purple orbs narrowed with amusement and he seemed as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders.  A flicker of remorse dashed through his eyes, but it quickly fled them almost as quickly as it had arrived.

"W-what? Zero you can't possibly mean that.  Was all you said just a lie?"

Tears brimmed in your shaking irises as you stared at the boy.  He simply nodded his head and turned to once again leave you.  You quickly grabbed his sleeve and he looked at you with a split second of gentleness but it replaced itself with deep hatred.

"See, there you go again. Just like Yuki..."

His eyes carried only care and tenderness when he spoke her name.  I could feel my heart shatter and drop to my feet all at once.  Tears rolled down my cheeks a I desperately tried to breathe and demand an explanation.

It was all for naught as he ripped his arm out of my grasp and scoffed.  He rolled his beautiful eyes before walking away into the darkening air. 

I trembled for a few moments in the cold air.  I felt a soft fabric envelop my shaking shoulders as I looked up towards the one who cast a tall shadow over my head. 


Recalling what he had done to you in the tall building you recoiled from his touch.  His eyes softened in sorrow and pity.

"Y/N, I know you must hate me for what I did to you.  Please understand that I had been depriving myself of blood for months on end to try to break my habit of drinking the substance.  My vampire nature took over my mind and body, I couldn't stop myself despite how much I wanted to.  I'm so sorry I used you like that, please Y/N.... forgive me...."

He shook his head in regret, in your moment of weakness you accepted his explanation for his actions.  He quickly assured you that it would not occur again and you accepted his coat and his sympathy.  Zero had just shattered your heart and you needed any comfort you could get.  Kaname enveloped you in a warm hug. You could only feel warmth from the action and you closed your eyes.  Seeing your acceptance toward his actions he let out his signature smirk and gently patted your H/C hair.  He smiled gently at how soft it was.

You will be mine Y/N. Once that pest Zero is out of my way, you will have no choice. You will be mine.  You will be mine.  You will be mine.  You.  Are.  Mine.

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