Switching Brothers.

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Ichiru's POV:

After 30 minutes of silence and walking, I finally reached my mistress's hideout. I had gathered Y/N not so long ago, as she was still unconscious in my arms. How could I forget? My mistress isn't here, she left for a week long hunting spree... I have Y/N all to myself. But she doesn't trust me... but, she does trust Zero... I quickly set her down on the soft ground and I untied the string that held back my hair. Silver locks spread over my pale face, and slightly covering my violet eyes, the same look as Zero. My plan was absolutely ingenious. I couldn't help but chuckle at my keen mind. Everything would work perfectly. "Hahaha, too much planning goes into tricking this idiot!" I whisper-yelled quietly.  Sadly, it was enough to wake my unknowing captive.  Time to act! Too easy.


Nmmmpphhh... my mind was groggy from all that sleep.  I had to thank Zero a lot for walking for me... a lot... Zero? I wanted to say thanks, ya know, for carrying me.  One day if you spontaneously pass out while we are running from an unknown enemy, I'll carry you! Ok?" Silence "Zero?!" I abruptly stood up, slightly dizzy but alert, who the heck was out here.  Zero? A figure walked out of the shadows.  "Oh thank pineapple.  It's you... C'mon, let's go back to the academy.  It's getting cold..." I really wanted to leave.  "No.  We have stay here.  The academy isn't safe right now." Zero's voice rang out.  But, his voice sounded slightly different than usual.  His hair was a little longer too.  Maybe I'm being paranoid...


Y/N, the object of so many different vampires, caught in my brother's grasp.  No doubt he is treating you awful, but don't worry, I will find you... I promise.  Her wonderful scent was wafting through the air with one that smelled foul, like sour milk... Ichiru... Y/N.  No, I will save you!


It was silent once more as I tried to figure out what was so off about this man.  He looks  like Zero, he sounds like Zero, yet he isn't Zero... right? The strong silence held for a while, until a loud clamor was heard in the trees to the right of my shivering form.  My eyes widen with fear as I stare in the darkness.  Who is that?! To my utter surprise, Zero walked out of the woods.  But, there are two?!?!?! "H-huh?" I stammered in confusion.  "Zero? Other Zero?!" I asked in fear while spinning my head around to look at the identical pair.  One must be Ichiru, but which? "I'm the real Zero Y/N." The Zero that hadn't let me go home spoke in bravery and confidence.  I once again studied him, hmmmm...  "Y/N.  Please...  I'm the real Zero, you know that."  Which do I choose?! So many emotions rushed over my pale face like a river.  One of these men wants to kill me, and I could walk right into his arms...

Hey guys! This is so much fun writing hehe.  I hope you like it still, and hey who was crazy enough to give Ichiru a decent idea for once? This author!!! Please vote and maybe even comment? I love getting feedback from my readers, and I love writing this for you, so pretty please keep reading? Yeah? Okay.  Glad we got that out of the way.  How many of you even read the author note.  Normally, I don't to be honest.... Okay, keep reading! Bye my little... erm, pizzas? 🍕 Sure, pizzas.

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