Broken Vows

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Y/N'S P.O.V:

"Zero... I'm so sorry, I don't-"
Tears stopped the sentence from leaving my mouth as I fell to my knees.  Well, almost, the silver haired vampire caught me midfall.  I don't know what had come over me, but it was awful.  I could hear this voice in my mind that seemed to control how I acted.  I couldn't fight it... I was too weak. 
"Y/N, look at me."
Zero said kindly, as he turned my shaking head upwards.  I had tried to hurt him.  What if next time something like this happens, I do...  Why am I so worried about him? I realize now that's because I love him.  He said he loves me! Part of my heart is ecstatic, and the other is nervous.  What if he was lying, he probably was.  Nobody could ever like you, a weakling.
I screamed out, but it was in vain.  This taunting voice was still in my head, but I couldn't let it win again.  Zero was right here, and he let his guard down, he would get hurt.  What do I do? I can't fight it forever...

Zero's P.O.V:

"Y/N, look at me..."  I begged her one last time.  She shakes her head violently and steps back. 
"Zero, I can't win, I am so sorry.  I-I love you too...  That's why I have to go."
She steps back again, turns on her heel and runs.  Why would she leave? She loves me back! But she's running.  I shake my own head to clear these vile thoughts away, so I can chase after her.  I will protect her, no matter what.

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