Everlasting Jealousy

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Y/N's POV:

Zero had jumped out a window. With me in his arms. Wait... "We just jumped out of a 20 foot building! What are you doing?!?" I screamed at Zero. We were getting dangerously close to the ground. "You have to trust me Y/N." He whispered as we got closer to the ground. I squeezed my E/Y eyes shut as we collided with the ground. Bam! Then darkness enveloped my vision as my eyes fluttered shut. Hanging out with vampires, jumping out of windows, god, I'm officially insane.

Zero's POV:

Y/N. "What makes you so special that Kaname would go after you? Sure, you look almost halfway decent, but you are ignorent to the world around you. You live in a bliss that I cannot have! Who would ever favor you over Yuki?!? Kaname must be trying to steer me off course from her with this human rag. But, why did I save her? I turn my violet eyes to her sleeping face. She looks so peaceful. It must be that she was something he wanted so I kept it from him. Yeah. That's it. Oh, she's waking up.

Y/N's POV: (again)

"Mhmmm." I groggily opened my eyes and rubbed them vigorously as I sat up. Once my eyes fully adjusted, I saw a beautiful face full of hate. "Zero? What's wrong? Thanks for saving me! I guess I shou-" I started. "SHUT UP!" Zero interrupted in a loud powerful voice. "I don't give a crap about you. Don't get the wrong idea, I just want Yuki. You were something that someone who also wants Yuki wants too. Why let him not suffer when I have suffered so much at his hands?" He smirked as his words died away. "Y-you mean Kaname don't you... He..." I trailed off not knowing how to end the pitiful sentence. Tears welled up in my eyes against my will. "Listen Zero. I may not be perfect, but at least I'm not some stranger who doesn't know how to treat a stranger. I get it that I have nothing special about me and how useless I can be, but I do have goof qualities too, but I only show those to kind people unlike yourself! I don't care about you either!" I stood up and stormed back inside the school. That idiot, thinking he could boss me around. Ha. His face was all like, 'whaaaaa?' When I left in a hurry! Priceless! Briiiiiiing! Time to go home! I jogged to my locker and entered my pin. "35-2-36." I muttered and swung my locker open. I shoved my F/B (favorite book) into my F/C backpack. I nudged my locker shut with my foot and ran out the door on my way back home.

??? POV:

"Haha. That girl tried to flirt with both Zero and Kaname. She won't last a day against me! All I have to do is eliminate any feelings for Zero and Kaname from her heart. Haha!

Thanks for reading this x reader! I don't own the image! I have a challenge for you readers!

OK, comment the funniest thing you ever said! The funniest one gets a follow, and a shout out!

Let's see if anyone cares enough to do so! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

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