So many Questions....

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Zero and Y/N walked home in silence. Neither truly wanted to talk about what had just happened. Their eyes brimmed with tears, heads held high. They had won. But victories only last so long, and not everyone will approve of how the battle was won, but they did. They would both sacrifice a lot for the other, though neither wanted to admit it.


We finally arrived at the Academy after a long and tiring walk. It gave me a lot of time to think about what happened.... Maybe too much time. Zero saved me, and I'm so grateful, but... his eyes... the way they hardened to violet stone as he shot at his brother. His brother, his own flesh and blood. And he did so without hesitation. There was none, none at all as he has hot the lethal bullets. I don't understand how he could be so angry and hateful to someone he loved. Why would he turn against Ichiru? Ugh, I have too many questions, I need to get them off my chest... "Y/N?" Zero's warm voice snapped me from my cold thoughts. "Huh?! S-sorry... lost in thought..." I replied in shock, I opened my eyes to see Zero hovering centimeters from my face. "You sure? You look pretty red, did you catch a fever?" He questioned, concern lacing his melodic voice. "N-no.... I'm alright!" Oh shitaki mushrooms.... I'm blushing! Smacking my palms over my face, I ran towards my room. "B-bye Zero! Thank you so much!"

Zero's POV:

Hm... she wasn't blushing was she? Wait... what if she was?! No... Zero, get a hold of yourself. A lot happened suddenly, so she must be flustered. It's all catching up to her.... I hope she is okay... Well... I should tell the principal that Ichiru made a move....

Later, at 10:30 pm:

Y/N's POV:

Laying in my F/C bed, I realize I couldn't sleep. All of these unanswered questions pressed my aware mind. I need to ask Zero all of these stupid questions so I can rest.... But, should I do it now?

Go to Zero now: Go to Impatient paragraph:
Go to Zero later: Go to Patient paragraph:

Impatient :

It's no use sleeping if I still need answers... I'll just sneak into his room now. No harm done, right? You get up and arrive at Zero's room, no lights are on. Well, it doesn't mean he's asleep necessarily.... You notice an open window close to the ground, so you jump to the ledge and hoist yourself in. "Hmph, wow... nice room..." Zero's room was nice and tidy, with minimum clutter. There's Zero! "Zero!" You whisper-yell to his form on the large bed. "Ughhhh, Y/N?! What time is it...?" His voice sounded tired and a little upset.
"I-It's pretty late, but I need answers now! Why did you end up hating your brother? Why would you help me? How could you suddenly turn cold? Why would you turn for that matter? Are you mentally unstable or something? No... I'd notice right? Well... anyway....Why did y-" You were suddenly interrupted by a dangerously harsh voice. "Really? Y/N, it's way too late for this. Just leave, I might be in a good enough mood to tell you tomorrow... I had a rough time tonight as well.... even I need rest..." He grumbled a bit more and flopped onto his bed once again. "O-okay..." You stammered as you hopped out the window and headed home, even more agitated than before, having lost any hope of sleeping that night.

Your relationship with Zero has gotten worse.... Better luck next time!


No.... It's not worth it, I'll just ask over a coffee tomorrow. He'll be in a way better mood then, and I won't risk ticking him off like a timebomb.... He needed sleep last time I saw him, so I don't want to interrupt his rest. You lie in the darkness of your room until an unsettling sleep took over your mind, filling it with nightmares of Ichiru and Zero until morning. You wake up with a gasp, sweat rolling down your face mixed with salty tears. I really hope I made the right choice.... I just had the worst night of my life right then.... Dangit Zero.... You'd so be ready to answer all my questions when I shoot them at you faster than you shot at Ichiru.... Yeah Y/N, still to soon....

Your relationship with Zero improved! Great choice! :3

Thank you for reading this, even though I haven't updated in forever... hehe, I'm lazy, but school has also gotten me less time on Wattpad.... I hope I'll be able to update steadily for you guys soon! Oh, and the two winners (of the previous question written in my other chapter) are:

1. DemonDragon13440952mention a user
2. hailie_potterhead

You guys both made me laugh, and I forgot to mention you two. So here! Better late then never right? :3 Here's the next comment challenge : (that's what I'm calling them) What is the funniest thing your pet or friend had ever done to you? Thanks for reading my lovely... readers? Yeah.... that needs some work... this update is 879 words long!

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