Shattering the Heart and Mind

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3rd POV (Focused on Y/N):

Y/N's legs burned as she ran away from the library and a stunned Zero as fast as she possibly could.  Her legs burned and her lungs felt as if they would explode but still she pushed forward.  The halls echoed her shallow breaths and rapid heartbeat along with her quick footsteps.  As she ran down the marble floors her mind raced almost as quickly as she was running.

Zero... Could you have really meant what you just said? If you did then... maybe we can fight this?

The voice from the library had sadly followed in your mind and would not stop relentlessly tormenting you.  With each step you took your legs felt like lead as your heart began to sink.  Every instinct you have is begging you to stop running away from Zero and go back to the library as it may be the only chance to get rid of the poisonous parasite that latched itself onto your thoughts.  As you began to stop running and turn around a sharp pain made itself present in your skull.

NO! He could NEVER love something like you.  He wants to use you until he gains your trust before he eventually throws you away like the trash he truly sees you as.  Don't fool yourself Y/N, you know deep down that he hates you.

A single tear threatened to spill out of Y/N's left E/C eye.  She tried to blink it away from her glassy eye but more appeared to line her iris.  She shook her head violently from side to side as the crystal tears rolled down her cheek and dripped off of her stern jaw. 

Yeah... Zero, he's smart and strong and reliable.  He would never fall for a klutz like me.  All I do is make things worse.  I bring danger to his life.

Y/N's memories dragged her into the past where Ichiru had held you against your will and forced Zero to risk his own safety to save you. 


Still, she ran.

Zero's POV:

I stared at the book on the carpeted floor of the large library with sadness. 


I winced as the name floated around my head while her hurt face seemed  to freeze my beating heart. 

She... loves me?

Without wasting another second I turned on my heel and pushed the heavy spruce doors wide open to allow me to run into the long hallways.  Echos of footsteps rang down the halls from my left hand side.  I took a sharp breath in and began to chase after the sounds, eventually the faint noises of someone suppressing a cry mixed into the sound of someone running.  My eyes widened as I pushed myself to run even faster.  Y/N is fast but she can only run for so long,  I can catch up to her. 

As I was glancing around for the familiar girl I saw the silhouette of the one that I was searching for.  Her head of H/C hair swayed as she ran. 

I'm so close, she's right there! Just reach out for her, just a bit further Zero!

My hand started to  reach out to touch her shoulder, only centimeters away.  I tried to call out her name but it was stuck in my throat.  So close...

Y/N's POV:

I could hear nothing except for my footsteps and heavy breathing.  I faltered for a second to rest my hand against the cool wall to my right as I struggled to breathe in more oxygen.  I decided I was ready to continue my escape and stepped foward to begin my run once more when I felt a cool hand gently grasp my shoulder.  My eyes widened and I let out an inaudible gasp.

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