"She" Strikes First.

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Y/N's POV:

"Hi Miss Alice, anata garasu no. Me de Donna yume o. Mirareru no? Miirareru no? Mata atashi kokoro ga sake-" You had been singing to yourself as you walked home. You stopped when you felt eyes watching your every move. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Why did I expect an answer?!? You started running towards Y/A ( your address) in a frenzy. Footsteps grew closer as I ran faster. Then I ran to the road but a black limo blocked me from crossing ( no pun intended maaaaaaayyyybeee) the street. The window rolled down to reveal Aido and Kaname. "Hey Aido, Kaname! I think someone is following me, would you mind giving me a ride? Please?" I begged quickly and out of breath. Aido's eyes twinkled and Kaname smiled and said "No. We are helping the one who is following you. Sorry but she's better than you." He said it like it didn't t break my heart. "F-fine. I-I didn't care about you a-hiccup- nyway. Tears brimmed my E/C eyes. I wiped them away and ran straight. I could take the shortcut through the alley. Let's hope for no more surprises.

Kaname's POV:

Y/N seemed, heartbroken when I told her she wasn't as good as her... I feel bad, it hurts. But, as much as I want to not care, I can't just throw her to the curb. "Aido. Stay here." He nodded in acceptance. I threw the limo door open. I sped in the direction of the alley. Aido told me her home address. The only other way is through a dark alley, where someone could attack her. I reached the alley to see that Y/N was running towards me, with Yuki trailing behind her, no, chasing her. "I shall not allow this! Yuki, leave my Y/N alone!" I yelled loudly while tugging Y/N behind my back. I will protect her. No matter what it takes.

Yuki's POV:

While I was chasing Y/N down the alleyway, Kaname appeared and yelled "I shall not allow this!" He was taking her side. Why? What does she have that I don't?!? I went through so much with Zero and Kaname. "I'm yours Kaname! Don't keep this act up any longer! Let's not delay our love! Please!" His eyes shone with determination as he pulled her behind his back. So I have to fight my loved one to eliminate Y/N from our lives. Gee, that's not a problem! I brought my weapon up to battle, only to see Kaname wave his hand and glass from surrounding buildings to charge at me. I barely dodged his attacks. I let out a yelp as one stabbed me in my side. I ran over to them and swung my beautiful scythe (I think. I can't find it so I'm doing it by memory) down on her, only to fly back and have my weapon fly out of my hands and shatter when it hit the ground. "I-I was defeated... Y-you hate me!" Why?!? I clutched my heart and ran into the darkeness. This isn't over... Not even close...

Y/N's POV:

"K-kaname. You saved me, why?" I couldn't understand his motives, although I am grateful. "It's simple, I love you." He replied. With those words, I knew he meant it. But, why, and what would Zero think?

Kaname's POV:

"I love you." I did it. I told her. From her face, I could tell she knew I meant it too. I'm happy. Now all I have to do is steal her heart, without Zero Kiryu stopping me. Simple...

My best is drew the weapon Yuki is holding! Her account is Sadiegirl0421. She is a great artist, and writer! Please check out her profile. Thanks for reading and see you next chapter! This was a long update. It is exactly 650 words! Bye!

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