Classic Y/N...

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"Leaves crunch beneath my favorite sneakers, twigs snapped under my running weight, wind brushed through my flying H/C hair, and crystal tears brimmed in my E/C eyes.  "What did I ever do to them?" I gasped in a small voice.  No doubt they would find me... no doubt at all.  Every hope of friendships ran down the drain as I heard a laugh.  An insane laugh.  "HahahHAhAHAHAHhaehe." The dirt kicked up in frosty air as the laughter echoed around in the deafening silence. 

Out of absolutely nowhere, a pair of red, bloodshot eyes appeared before me.  The eyes came with a ratty head of white hair, stained with crusty blood and mud.  A ripped tan jacket barely covered up shredded gashes in the man's sides.  But, after the lucid red liquid running down his excuse for a body, the thing's smile was the worst.  Fangs peered out of an ear to ear smile.  It looked hungry, no, it looked starving.  It's pale white face grew nearer and nearer as I groped the empty darkness for a weapon.  Anything, anything! But to no avail, it leered at me through the darkness. 

BANG.  A single shot resounded off the hollowed trees.  A bloody rose had killed the shell of a man, which had tried to drain me.  As the limp body of the dead undead fell, Zero looked down at me with cold eyes, but he looked partially remorseful.  "Zero? " My voice shook with uncertainty.  He could kill me at any second, yet he saved me... why?

Zero's POV:

The scent of her , her warmth, her body, it was all running away.  It made me furious, but I knew that my overly obsessed brother would hunt Y/N if I didn't fess up.  I do care.  I remember when I was human, and I remember being hunted.  It hurts to compare the warmth filled sunshine to the shadows that dance across a flickering candlelight.  The brightness differs greatly.  If she had that happen to her, she wouldn't be anything... but gone.... But I could stop anything from happening.  And I will...
I walked down a leaf carpeted grass, with her scent all over it.  But it wasn't alone.  Someone, no something was here.  I reached for my bloody rose and quickly pulled the trigger before the beast could snap you in two.  I may regret it later, but at least Y/N is safe, for now. 

"Zero?" A shaky, airy voice carried through my ears, almost inaudible to my keen hearing.  So you had seen my heroic act, now, you will learn why. 

"Hello... Y/N.  I'm sorry you had to witness that, but my... no, your worst enemy is growing nearer and nearer every second we allow to pass.  So, if you hold any value to your life, I suggest we leave immediately." Please work, just follow me.  I don't want to harm you, not yet anyways....

"Okay... Let's hurry..." the same whisper rang in my head.  I grabbed her cold body and ran into the night. 

"Sleep Y/N.  Sleep..."

Y/N's POV:

My head felt heavy as I lay it against Zero's cold, yet warm chest.  How odd for a vampire.
How odd indeed.... I forgot to ask about my enemy... who is it? Could it be Zero, Kaname, Yuki, or Ichiru? Wow, I've made WAY too many vampire enemies...

Finally, Y/N restored her lost energy, in a certain silver brother's arms, but the other was trailing not so far behind the pair, waiting to kill...

Heeeeeeey! Sorry for the (really) late update... but I went so dry, and I had so much work to make up... and I forgot.... sooooooo... yeah.  I hope you like this, and I kinda threw it together, but I like this chapter better than the one I almost posted, so here... this isn't edited, and bye.  Have a donut... :3 🍩

Living With Zero?!?     Zero x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang