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  We had already been rehearsing for the competition since a couple months ago when we recieved some other news that there a little sadder this time. There wasn't going to be a second Lemonade Mouth movie. They thought the story was already completely told in the first one and Disney Channel said that they preferred not doing anything rather than doing something which wouldn't be worth it. That obviously disappointed us a little although we also understood it.

Surprisingly, that didn't make our number of fans decrease, quite the opposite. I guess they saw us as the reincarnation of Lemonade Mouth or the ones who brought its essence inside, reminding them that it would never die although there wasn't a second part. Because it was like that, the message and the feelings that movie had made us live were something immortal, something which had affected us all. And that was exactly the most beautiful thing about it.

  After so long, Robert finally started to give me those promised guitar lessons which had stopped because of our lack of time again.

It was one of those afternoons when we met each other just because of those lessons. We were in his bedroom which I loved because it was really pretty and cheery. But that afternoon Robert looked a bit unfocused and concerned. I felt sorry for him. He was my friend and I wanted to help him. So I finally asked him:

"Hey, you all right?". He definitely wasn't but I'd respect it if he denied it.

"No, it's just that..." he said scratching the back of his head and sitting on his own bed next to me. "It's just that..." he sighed. "I think... I think I like a girl" he finally said.

My face quickly lit up.

"That's fantastic!" I screamed. "And tell me, who is she?"

"Her name is Eve, I had seen her in the premises and we had talked a couple of times. And no, it's not fantastic because lately we seldom go there so I don't see her very often".

"Well, that has easy fix. We are going to go there today and see if we find her."

"No, I actually... I actually don't want to. I never liked a girl before, what does it have to happen to me right now?"

"Enjoy it."

"That' easy to say to you. Your story with Victor seems come from a fairy tale. So no, I know it wouldn't work anyway, I better forget her."


Robert refused to go to the premises so me and the other guys didn't go because, as always, we were too tired. Still, I know he did go there although he wouldn't admit it later. What I never knew was if he met Eve or not.

  My playing the guitar skills were improving very fast. I soon started to learn how to play easy songs like like some songs by Paramore, Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne or the precious More Than A Band by Lemonade Mouth.

  We were all pretty united as the group and the band we were. We grew up and changed together. I was more outgoing and less shy each day.

Robert was still like our old brother although he was starting to accept he also needed to be helped sometimes.

Stella was still a 'tough girl' but, I don't know if it was because Evelyn got her more romantic and gentle than she used to be, she started to show her feelings a little more.

Charlie was the one who had changed least even though he had lost part of his naivety and he was starting not being so apart and far as he sometimes used to be. He often took initiatives too and brought interesting suggestions.

Mariah and me were on the same level more than less. We were the ones who had changed in the most drastically way.

On the one hand, I had left behind part of my shyness and I started being more sociable and confident. 2 Lemonade Mouth had made me become a completely new person. I wasn't as lost as before. I knew what I liked, what I wanted and what was worth fighting for. I would have never imagined I would even have friends and still less I would form a band with them one year ago. I never thought I would be the singer, that was insane!

On the other hand, Mariah seemed a totally different person. There were still be some signs of her innocence and a bit childish personality but she had grown up a lot. Her wonderful spontaneity was also still there but she looked so much more wise and sensible than before. She had found out that, just like Evelyn, she was bisexual.

The song we chose for the competition convey how much we had changed perfectly. Specially in Mariah and me's case.

This time the song was by Lemonade Mouth and it was called She's So Gone.

Thank you so much to everyone who's reading this fanfic, as always. Comment so I can read your opinion, please, it would help a lot.

Here's my twitter: ✘Dead!✘ (@laguipikiyokian): https://twitter.com/laguipikiyokian?s=09

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