XI - The Death Stopwatch

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October 4, in the year of 8845, Reminis Calendar (RC)

Elli and Marko tore through thick bushes, with Mushy on the lead.

The vines' thorns pricked open their suits, stinging their already-bleeding wounds. By the time they arrived at their destination, a good fifteen minutes had wandered away. Hiding behind a fence of long wild grass, they studied the compound. It was formed by two oak trees. They grew up so high that their leaves brushed against the stars, with the branches forking against each other. The tree boughs were like roofs, and the trunks served as pillars.

On the left, a tree house was built in the middle of the tree boughs; a wooden ladder was thrown down from it to the ground. The poor handicraft of the ladder didn't match the construction of the tree house. Elli noticed a couple of planks were missing from the ladder, whereas the tree house looked like it had been renovated daily. Yellow lights twirled around the branches, making it a scene to behold. Elli cursed under her breath; this wasn't the time to enjoy the view.

"So this is the Woodpecker's place," Elli wondered.

"Do you still remember the plan?" Mushy whispered. "Do you need me to remind you again?"

Elli glanced at her watch. "No time, we have only fifteen minutes. Let's go."

They tip-toed to the wooden door built in the middle of the long wild grass. It looked like the little flip door built in a kitchen, and it was unlocked. A plank hung over the door rail. Scribbling on it was the most unrecognisable handwriting. Even a toddler could write better than that.

Elli squinted and read out, "Woodpecker's Clinic."

Marko knocked. They waited in patience but no response came. Marko knocked again; tension built in every part of his sinew. He was about to push the door open when a burping sound answered them, followed by a harsh thud and a cracking sound on the door.

From a hut which was adjoined with the lower part of the tree trunk on the right, out walked a wooden figure.

It was so tall that it had to hang its neck above the door rail as he regarded them. Its long green hair looked like leaves, with yellow flowers dangling at those pointy ends. Its skin looked like decaying tree bark. Its green eyes scowled at the newcomers; its blood red lips smiled at them. Elli wondered how it could wear two expressions on its face at the same time, but what disturbed her more was its beak. The yellow beak stretched out like two swords that were joined together.

"Do you know waking me up at deep night will cost you your lives?" the creature complained.

"It's not even bed time yet," said Marko.

Elli stepped on his foot so hard that he jumped on the ground. She threw him a how-can-you-be-so-carefree-with-your-words look. Marko rubbed the back of his neck and looked apologetically.

Mushy hopped up a chopped wood stump so that the creature could see it. "Dr. Woodpecker, we are here to ask for your kind permission to borrow your stopwatch and your golden picker. Only those two unique objects would work wonders on the Zom-Bee poison, dear Dr. Woodpecker."

"Your flattering won't work on me but do come in. Now that I'm awake, I need companions," Dr. Woodpecker said as he gestured them inside.

The air smelled of medicine and alcohol. Three bunks for patients lay at the far end. Flies as big as books fluttered above the blankets. Blood stains and black pickers littered on the sink next to the bunks. Dr. Woodpecker brought them to a table and signaled them to sit down. It then walked to a recklessly stacked-up canvas where a mini ice box sat. Humming, it took out four bottles of beer. Elli studied her watch. Five minutes had passed. They were running out of time.

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