Untitled Part 2

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    " I try hard because I care!" She screams at her father who jumps in shock. His daughter just screamed at him, and she never did that before.

"Sakura..." Her father started but she gave him a glare that made him flinched. He backs up slowly and walks out of her room. Sakura picks up her books and jumps out her window and goes to the training grounds where team seven trained. She laid her books on the ground and opened them all up and started to read.

      Sakura's father walked back and forth in the dinning room where is wife sat at the table. She was called down by him so he could tell her something important. He wanted to know everything about his daughter because she is not the same sweet one. 

" Talk to me honey." His wife said to him. He stops and turns to her.

" Sakura chan screamed at me today.... Have you noticed in the difference in our daughter?" He asked his wife. He sat in front of her waiting.

" I have, but I put nothing to it. It just looked like she finally found her calling in life. Honey, what did you ask her?" She asked him.

" What does she try so hard?" He told her. She gave him a small smile.

" She try hard because she cares she will try everything to give happiness even if it's taking hers away." She answered him. " So please don't be so hard on her, she will come around to tell us what's happening with her." His wife finished and stood up. She walked around the table and kissed him on the forehead.  Even what she had to him that still didn't stop him thinking what changed her so much.

     Sakura stood up and glared at the tree in front of her. She needs to get more chakra to do what she use to do. She let out a breath and went to think about what she had to her father. Maybe she was way to hard on him, she had never snap at her father before. She stops thinking about it and went back to her training but she never noticed she was being watch by a boy with long black hair and black eyes, he was ANBU.

      The boy looked at her in intest. What is a four year old training at this time at night. He was coming home after he reported to the hokage about his mission, then he felt a flare of chakra . He went there quickly to see if it was a threat. It shocked him when he saw a little pink hair girl glaring at a tree and her eyes were blank. She started to move to the tree and he noticed that chakra was forming into her fist. His eyes widen, she was great at chakra control. She pulled her arms back then threw it forward the tree bent a little to the side, she glared at it.

" I'm not a strong as I thought... I need to train more." She said out loud, the boy narrowed his eyes at her. How strong did she think she was. " I'll come back her tomorrow with more information..." She said but mumbled the last part he could not hear. The boy had to start heading home, he took one last look and went to do so.

  Sakura went home to find her father sleeping on the couch. She gave a sad look to him and let out a breath. She went to him and shook him awake. His eyes snap open and he looks at her and gives her a hug hug.

" I'm sorry father, I should of never snap like that. It just sound like you didn't want me to try so hard." Sakura said.

" no I'm sorry I should be believing in you." He said. He pulled back and kissed him on the cheek and went to his room. Sakura did the same.

       Sakura was at school once again with the chakra control book, she was almost finished she needs more. Sasuke was with ninjutsu, Naruto was with tijustu and Hinita was with her clan book. Sakura smiled, she was helping them and she was glade.

" Sasuke do you want to train with me?" Sakura asked, Sasuke looked at her and nods.

" We can my clans training ground." He said she grins. She can finally meet itachi uchiha. 

" Alright! Hinita chan Naruto Kun! Do you wish to join us?" Sakura asked both of them, they nod and answered yes. Soon Sensai came in and started to talk more about the first war. The group of four did not listen one but because they knew they can learn from each other. After school Sakura and the group went to Sasuke house. When Sasuke got there he ran to a boy about 11 years old and hug him. 

" big brother! My friends and I are training!" Sasuke said with a grin, his bothers eyes widen. 

" ah I see, may I meet them?" He asked Sasuke nods and pulls him to his group of friends.

" This Naruto, hinita, and Sakura!" Sasuke said pointing to each, " His name is itachi my big brother!" Sasuke finished. Itachi eyes widen in shock that was the little pink haired girl he saw training late at night.

" Nice to meet you all." He said with a smile.

" Would you like to come along big brother to watch? I've been learn new things!" Sasuke asked itachi, itachi nods just to see what Sasuke was talking about and to see what Sakura can do. They all go to the clan training grounds. 

" Sasuke kun!" Sakura called out, " Let's do ninjutsu to see what you learn from that book!" She said, Sasuke grins and starts to do hand signs that itachi need to well.

" Fire style: great fireball!" Sasuke yelled out, Sakura did a hand sign and put chakara into her feet to move faster away from the fireball. She got to Sasuke side and threw a punch. See what she could do itachi appear in front of her in a crouch and grabbed her hand. Itachi moved back a few inches. Sasuke eyes widen and Itachi's eyes narrowed at Sakura hers narrows at him.

" I think you would of hurt my brother." Itachi said, Sakura smirks.

" And how would you know that uchiha San?" Sakura asked. That stops him and her smirk grows larger. " Ah I see you watched me before." She pointed out.

" I have. I got to see what you can do. For a four year old your quit strong." He stated. Sakura pulls her fist back and let's her other hand grab the front of his shirt.

" Just between the two of us, if you say anything to anyone, you better watch you back." She whispered in his eyes and let's him go. " Well I have to go! Nice meeting you Itachi San! " Sakura said and walked away. Itachi stood there in shock. A four year old just threatened him, and he was scared!?

Itachi went straight to the hokage to speak to him about this. How could a four year old be so strong and good at threatening? Is her home life difficult? Was she raised wrong? He didn't know but he will find out. When he got there he saw Kakashi Senpai. They both looked at him.

" What can I do for you itachi? Hokage sama asked him.

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