Another day

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The only thing itachi and kakashi could do was sweat drop as they saw Sakura walk up to them with a slight limp. She was glaring at the ground and her fist were clenched. Sakura just finished another round of training with Anko-Sensai, and it was only the second time they have done it.

" Sakura, are you ok?" Itachi asked as he crouched down to her height once she got to them. Sakura looked at itachi with a blank look.

" Do I look ok?" She asked well more like snapped at him. He rose an eyebrow. Kakashi lets out a chuckle and crouched down as well. He looked her over. Her arms were bandage and her left leg as well. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, and her face had some scratches.

" I'm surprised you went for a second round with Anko-San." Kakashi said standing up and patting her head with her right hand. " are you sure your up for today?" He asked her. Sakura nods her head.

" I still suck at taijutsu. My punches are weak and my speed is lacking. Even with the weights I have on. I can worry about my medical training latter. " Sakura said to kakashi.

" Itachi can help with speed today, I'll help with your hitting. Just another work out plan for you to build some muscle . Plus your still very young. You may have to wait for a few years to be able to hit harder. Your muscles are still building. " kakashi explained. Sakura nods in understanding.

" come Sakura-chan. " itachi said pulling her with him to the other side of the training area that were at. Kakashi pulls out a pencil and a paper and started writing another plan out for Sakura to built a little more muscle but not to much to harm her body. Her weights she has on will stay the same, Kakashi thought. She will just have to do more reps with them. He didn't want to make her to weak when she went to train with Anko.

Sakura sat in the academy class with Naruto and sasuke. Naruto was writing down notes as fast as he can so he wouldn't miss one fact or information that could be on the test. Sasuke was writing down whatever he found useful for himself, his words were I'll remember the useless stuff for the test, I will only write down what can help me train to be stronger. Sakura was drawing a picture of a chibi form of itachi, she let out a giggle which caused the two to look at her. Sasuke and Naruto both let out a laugh. Itachi was clinging onto an adult Kakashi saying in a bubble, " notice me sempi!"

" What are you three doing!" Yelled iruka-sensai yelled. The three snap their heads up with wide eyes. Sakura flip her paper over with lighting fast speed.

" Nothing!" She yelled back at him with cheeks that were getting red at every second. Iruka-sensai turns his head back to the board her was riding on, but fist gives them a looking saying I'm watching you.

" As I was saying, the founders of Kohana......." iruka- Sensai said.

The three walked out of the academy building with their shoulders shagged from being sleepy, even at her age with a mind of an adult, her body was still a little kid in which made her sleepy. She didn't want to stop training, she was afraid if she missed one second she could screw something up. But she was still young her body needed the rest. So she headed home but first said good bye to Naruto and sasuke.

" Welcome home Sakura-chan!" He mother yelled as she walked through the door. She took her shoes off and headed to the dinning area, she put her books down on the table. She sat down and waited for her mother to bring the tea. " how was your day?" She asked her daughter.

" It was long. I'm so tired mom." Sakura said fighting her sleepiness.

" oh what did you learn?" Her mom asked as she walked into the dinning room and setting a tea in front of her daughter who slowly reached for it.

" The founders of Kohana." Sakura said taking a sip from her hot tea.

" Oh that boring lesson. " he mom said waving her hand. Sakura let out a small laugh but nodded with her mother.

" Do you think Anko-sensai will allow me to have a day for resting?" Sakura asked her mother.

" I believe so. She wants you to be at your best. She likes when they are fast and fighting back." He mother said. A shiver went down both their backs. " I'll tell her today when I'm out shopping. You just go up stairs and get some sleep." He mom said. Sakura nods her head and stands up. She stretches her body and drags her self to her room up the stairs. She doesn't even change, she just goes to her bed and lays down on it. As soon as her eyes close, she was out until the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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