Untitled Part 15

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The morning was slow for Sakura. She woke up early to train with Kakashi. She was pushed to her full extent. She wanted to hang out with Itachi And Shisui. She had a full week off of school so she wanted to try and get them to train her. That was going to be tough she thought and let out a sigh. Sakura was currently walking down a dirt road to her training grounds where Itachi and Shisui were waiting for her. She was sure Kakashi was there as well.

She was right. They were talking to teach other in a circle. They were not talking loud. She slowly moved in without them noticing to hear what they were talking about. She then sits down and looks up at them, still not being noticed.

" Why hasn't she told me yet?" Kakashi asked

" You sound jealous Kakashi. " Shisui said with a slight smirk , Kakashi rolls his eyes.

" I'm her teacher I should know so I can protect her and teach her more so she can protect herself. Make sure she is ready for the real fight. " Kakashi answered.

" If she wants to tell you she will." Itachi said

" You can tell him." Sakura said all them jump and look around, " I'm sitting on the floor. You know for prodigys you all not so good." She said and got from the ground dusting the dirt off her pants.

" Are you sure Sakura chan?" Shisui asked. Sakura nods and waves her hand.

" I was going to ask you to train me because Kakashi here hasn't showed me earth style. " she said with a pout, " But after he sees whats going on he will." She smirked and walked away.

Sakura sat in a restaurant with Naruto and Sasuke. Her parents were paying for the food they were eating. Sasuke eat like a pro, Naruto on the other hand ate like it's all he will ever get. Thinking about it has Kakashi even give him food?

" Naruto Kun. Does Kakashi feed you?" Sakura asked turning her head to the side.

" Of course he does I just eat everything." He said grinning and going back to eating. Sakura laughed a little and turned to Sasuke.

" How are you Sasuke kun? Itachi chan teaching you new things?" Sakura asked.

" Hai. Helping throw my weapons. And fire attacks as well. " he answered with a big smile. " How about Sakura chan? What have you been up to?" He asked.

" Not much, Kakashi should be looking for me right now with your brother and Shisui. " she answered shrugging Sasuke and Naruto sweat drop. It's normal for her to being chaced by ANBU.

" Sakura chan! Come let's go we paid for the food. We need to get home. And what you said is true it's easy to find you at home ." Her mother called out. Sakura eyes widen.

Her mother was right, they were waiting for her at her house inside. Sakura gives then a dead look and rolls her eyes. Breaking in is not aloud she thought, what if her traps were activated.

" Did you go into my room?" She asked glaring at all three.

" No? What's in there?" Itachi asked a little nervous.

" I'll kill you if you did." Sakura said.

" Sakura! They are guest! " he father yelled from the kitchen.

" But they are ninjas! They can take me! " Sakura yelled back with a little laugh.

" So he knows." Shisui said.

" Really? I didn't know. " Sakura answered with sarcasm and starts walking up to her room waving her hand to follow. So they did.

She closed the door behind them and told them to sit down on her bed. She did a sign and her room took off the genjustu. He room was a mess, notes everywhere, ever on the top of her bed. The three boys looked in awe.

" You can come here when ever you want. I don't mind. Just put the genjustu back up don't need my parents seeing this. " she said looking to her right wall. She pointed at it. " Itachi that wall is for you same with Shisui. Kakashi, everything else is ours and others." She looks to the three with a sad smile. " I remember every detail and event I've gone through. I made sure not to forget anything and put everything down on papers. I remember my friends death and I wake up every night after all their deaths play in my dreams haunting me to the end. This maybe overwhelming for you but it's the whole world on my shoulders." She finished her speech and walked out the door leaving three boys in shock.

After the group left Sakura went back into her room and landed down on her bed. The genjustu was on but she has the room tattoo to her brain. She let out a sigh and let her eyes drop. She hated sleeping because of the nightmares. But she needed the sleep to become stronger.


I know it's short but it will get better. I hate leaving it short because it feels like I'm writing a summary and not a story. Anyhow I hope you all like it.😘🤗🤗

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