Untitled Part 4

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  " Sakura I asked you a question." He father glared even harder at her. Sakura looked to her mother who looked down at the ground with sadness.

" I was out training." Sakura said not looking at her father but at her mother.

" Tomorrow I'm taking you to the hokage. From there what ever he says goes. You've been acting differently, and I won't stand here acting like I don't see it. Got to bed Sakura." Her father said walking out Sakura looked down at the ground. Once she goes to the hokage, he will find out and she knows so. She let out a breath and changed into her night gowned then went to sleep. 

    Her father woke her up and told her to go and take a shower. Her mother left a kimono dress on her bed. ( Picture ) she puts it on and walks out of her room to the living room were her father waits. They head to the hokage. 

" once we get there you answer every question  truthfully. Do you understand me Sakura?" He father asked looking down at her. She nods, they were at the hokage front door right now. Her father nocks on the door and there was a powerful voice saying come in. They both do, and she saw Kakashi, and itachi there. Her eyes widen and she looks away. 

" Ah I'm guessing it's time?" The hokage asked in a sad voice, he didn't want to question such a young child but he had  to if it threaten his village.

" Hai." Her father said bowing, Sakura did as well.

" Kakashi, itachi please get a chair for Sakura here, put it in the middle of the room." He said they both disappear from the room then came back with a chair setting it down. Sakura took a set and looked at the hokage her father and itachi with Kakashi standing there. Kakashi was looking at her confused she gave a small smile. " What's your nam?" The hokage asked.

" Sakura haruno." Sakura answered.

" Why would your father be watchful of you?" He asked.

" Because I was training in the middle on the night, and I was acting differently from a innocent child." She said the gritted her teeth which was noticed by everyone in the room.

" Why are you training Sakura ?" He asked.

" When I become a ninja I want people to help me not make me watch others backs. I want to make a difference. To protect the village and the future." Sakura said, all child like in her was gone and here sat a mature child. Another genius child. The hokage let out a breath. Her father with wide eyes.  Kakashi and itachi had small smiles on their faces. 

" From being accused of a threat what do you think?" Hokage asked, Sakuras eyes harden her own father!

" Pissed off." She said Itachi's eyes widen with the rest, who taugh her that?" But I understand why father would do so, but at the same time, I hate him for not trusting me." She said shooting a glare at him he looked at the ground in shame. 

" Ture Sakura, what would you wish to do?" He asked.

" I would like to keep training when I feel like it." She said the hokage nods.

" I've got information you excepted  Kakashi to train you. Do you wish to continue?" He asked.

" hai" she answered. Her father had wide eyes, the copy cat was teaching his daughter!?

" Do I not have a say?!" Her father screamed out, she glared at him.

" I believe you don't father, maybe you can trust me this once and just let me do this." She growled out he flinched. 

" Your all dismissed and Sakura I believe you have school." Hokage said she nods and runs off. Soon everyone was out of his office. He let out a breath, he hates how a parent can't just trust their child, at the same time he understands that they can't just let them do what they want. The children would learn to keep things away from their parents, that's what made Sakuras father lose trust in her because she kept everything from her parents.

    Sakura forgot the food for her friends she sat with a rain cloud over her.  Sasuke sat far from her so did Naruto they were scared if they ever touched her she would kill them. But Naruto being Naruto he touched Sakura arm and she looked at him with empty eyes. She shivered and moved closer.

" Sakura chan are you ok?" He asked, she let out a breath and the rain cloud was gone that let Sasuke move so he could hear them as well.

" My mother does not trust me. " she mumbled out that was not the reason at all. 

" Your lieing" Sasuke said, Sakura groans.

" Hokage sama questioned me because father told him I may be a threat to the village." She said to them. Sasuke and Naruto felt bad for her. Soon Hinita came up and set down lunch boxes.

" I I thought  t that you g guys were g g owing t to b be hungry." She finished look bright red.

" Thank you Hinita chan!" The three said with grin she nods and walks off.

    After school she went to the training grounds knowing that Kakashi would be there. She was right he was there waiting for her. She walked up to him and poked his leg, she held a look of awe and kept poking his thigh. He looked at her with a rose eyebrow.

" How can I get like that." She asked looking up at him, he chuckled.

" First stop poking me and I tell you how." He said she nods and put s her hand down. He bends  down to her level. " I'm going to give you weights and a plan so you know what you need to do every day. " he finished standing up. " I have ten pounds for each your legs and five for your arms. Your going to do five laps around this area, 100 push ups, 150 sit ups, and 50 pull ups." He said. 

"   Is that over killing! I'm just five Kakashi!" Sakura yelled with wide eyes.

" If you want to do what you said in the hokage office then you better start doing this!" Kakashi said. Sakura nods.

" Hai! Let's get started Sensai!" Sakura yelled.

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