Untitled Part 13

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oh my, sorry for not writing for sometime. I've been having some problems and have been busy as well. I'll update when I can!🤗🤗


     " im sorry." Sakura was all she could say. She really didn't know how to answer obito. She wanted to tell him but she knew he was not ready to be told that she was from the future and that she know that what he was doing was the wrong thing and that kakashi did not mean to kill Rin that day. But how do you tell someone that?

" Why?" He asked. He wasn't sure. You dont see the sadness like that in a kids eyes. Only if they experienced something so horrible. E bent down to her hight. She looked away he noticed she was holding back on crying. She must have been hurt every much.

" i wish i can tell you. But i dont know how to start! Im afraid you will get angry and never speak to me again. Calling a liter and saying im fake will hurt me more then ever! Ive been through so much i dont want to lose someone i care for!" She yelled at him, crying slightly.

" oh Sakura...." he said with a sad smile behind his mask. He could never hate her, never be angry at her. He has grown close to her. 

" im sorry, that was out of place." She mumbled wiping her eyes. Yes she broke apart infront of him and almost letting out everything. She cant now maybe latter. 

" When your ready you can tell me what you want. It may help you maybe it will not. Ill wait." He said patting her back. He let out a sign and stood back to his full hight once again. He always came for her didn't he?

     Sakura made her way back to her home. Itachi would not be there after their talk. He had to think about finding out his family member was still alive. Sakura laid on her bed looking up. She did have other books to read and take notes but she did not want to do that at the moment. She could go to Narutos and see how he was doing but she didn't want to. She could go see sasuke but they haven't talked since that day. Maybe that was the best chose. To clear the air.

       She knocked on sasuke door waiting for someone to answer. The door slid open showing sasuke mother. She smiled down at sasuke knowing way she was here. She steps aside and lets sakura in the house. Sakura walks past sasuke father and over to sasuke room and nocks. Sasuke opens his door and smiles.

" Sakura why are you here?" He asked.

" wanted to talk to you. We haven't done it much after we went and had a day together." She answered walking into his room. 

" ive been studying with my mother and brother. And you've been busy as well." Sasuke answered.

" Yes." Sakura told him. They have been doing so much that they haven't had time to be with each other. " we should make time for each other. I would hate to lose you as a friend sasuke." She said. Sasuke nods in understanding. 

" Of course. Would you like to stay and eat here? " sasuke asked.

" Not tonight. Mother is making dinner right now. I should be getting home. I don't want to be late." She answer.

    After eating dinner she went into her room and took out her books and botes. Yes she had to get stronger and better. She cant give up now and she can not lose others she cares for. She promised Naruto and the rest of her village and family. This is her mission!


Alright! Its been so time since i wrote but i hope you like it! :) 

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