Untitled Part 9

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 Sakura went to the uchiha compound to see Sasuke. They haven't talked that much, she wanted to get closer to him. Back then she was a fangirl that loved him, and yet even now she still did. She didn't show it because she didn't want to look like some fan girl that was weak. 

   Sakura nocks on the head uchiha home waiting for someone to answer. It was Sasuke mother. sasuke mother looked at Sakura and smiled, she was close to her sons, and she sparked an interst in her husband. 

" What can I do for you Sakura chan?" She asked her.

" May Sasuke come out today?" Sakura asked her. The mother smiled and nods, waving Sakura into the house.

" wait right her I'll go get Sasuke kun." She said and walked out of Sakura view. Soon Sasuke father walked in and blinked when he saw her. 

" What are you doing here?" He asked her. She gave him a close eye smile.

" Waiting for Sasuke kun." She answered, he nods slowly then walks away. Sakura sweat drops and rolls her eyes. Out of no wear Sasuke pops out and jumps on Sakura, he give her a larg grin.

" Sakura chan! What are we doing today!?" He asked. 

" Get off me and ill tell you." She said, Sasuke blushes and moves off of her.  " I'm going to show you a new friend, I'm hoping he will show up." She said, Sasuke nods. He puts on his shoes and drags her out. She walks to the forest with Sasuke behind her. She ends up were she was last time when she met him. There he was, with his orange mask. 

" Ah Sakura chan, who is this?" Obito asked looking at Sasuke.

" This is Sasuke kun, tobi! " she said with a grin. She was hoping she could put light back into Obito. And to convince him to hear Kakashi out on what really happened with Rin. 

" Hollo tobi!" Sasuke said holding out a hand. Obito took his hand and shook it. Soon they were sitting in a circle. ( more like a triangle ) Obito kept looking at Sasuke, another uchiha. Then he look to Sakura who had hope on her eyes.

"Sakura what are you planing?" Obito asked her, she gave him a smirk.

" that's for me to know and you to find out!" She answered, he rolled his eyes and looked to Sasuke once again who looked away. He didn't like being looked at by someone he didn't know, he only like Sakura doing that. 

" Had you been Tought anything Sasuke?" He asked him. Sasuke looked to tobi and nods. 

" Sakura chan has been teaching me somethings." He answered, tobi nods. Obito chould to help but think that this little girl was strange. To be teaching at her age, was that even possible? Kakashi could do it if he really want to help anyone, as if. Obito growled at the name Kakashi, why was he thinking about him? What did she had anything to do with him? She is being watched by him,and itachi uchiha. Is she being trained by kakashi? He looked to her. She knows a lot of thing that no one should know, like know who he was. Did Kakashi tell her about him? There was so many pieces missing and he will find out what they are, to know what she is hiding.

" I must go Sakura chan, see you when I can." He said disappearing from their site. Sakura let out a breath, he was thinking, he will find out one way or another. She was just hoping not for a long time. She got up and Sasuke followed her.

" We are going to go eat some food! At my home." She said, Sasuke nods with a blush on his face. When they got to her home her father and mother were there waiting for her. They knew Sakura was going to bring Sasuke, she had told them. She sat down and he sat next to her. 

       When they finished Sakura walked with Sasuke back to his home. She was really hoping this had worked. Hoping Sasuke would be happy that she spent time with him. She stops in front of his door and gave a small smile to him.

" Sasuke, I hope you know that I care for you. I know I haven't been spending time with you. " she said, Sasuke blushed and looked away. When Sakura talked to his brother like they knew each other back then, he was jealous.he wanted a relationship like that from her. 

" It's fine Sakura chan, I guess I was being selfish." Answered in shame. Sakura moved forward and kissed him on the cheek. Sasuke blushed even more.

" It's fine Sasuke, I like knowing you wanted me to be around! See ya later! " she said and got the heck out of there. She got home and took a shower then went into her bed. She was happy. And so was Sasuke.

The next day Sasuke sat next to Sakura at the Acadamy. His fan girls yelling at Sakura to get away. Sasuke felt closer to her, he liked her. He was hoping she like him back, but this was not the time to be thinking of something like this. He knew he had to wait Intel that got older to ask her out. He had asked his brother about this topic, and man was it embarrassing.  So he plans to stick close to her, and to only hope she felt the same way for him. 

          With Obito, he sat in his room in the akatsuki base. He had a folder on Sakura haruno. She was an average citizen who wished to be a ninja, just like Rin. Obito threw the papers cross his room. Why was she so much like Rin?! Why did it always come back to Rin!? Obito growled under his mask. He had to know why, and why she wanted to be around him. He wanted to know why she looked at him with hope in her eyes. Why would she hope for anything?  especially from him. What does she know? And how does she know?   

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