Chapter 3- Annual Arms Competition II

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Sylvia's heart was beating even faster than before. Afraid that he would hear it, she steeled herself and curtsied. "Hello," She replied.

"Hi Sylvia!" Anise also called out to her with a big smile.

"Hi Anise." She returned a radiant smile to conceal her embarrassment.

"So what were you doing here Sylvia?" Her mother questioned again.

Turning to look at her mother, she saw a big grin. "I--..." She didn't dare to answer in front of everyone. Her face began heating up. She knew her mom knew why.
Her mother was the only person she ever talks to about her feelings. She had already made it quite clear that she liked the boy. Her mom's question was just a means of teasing her.

"Just kidding, honey. What about you Naleen? How did your match go?" her mother turned to question Naleen instead.

"It went well, Lady Reanne. I'm waiting for the next match right now."

"I see. You girls walking around to watch the matches?"

"To the food stalls, actually. We were going to grab a snack before Naleen's next match." Jillian answered.

"Ah, why don't we go together then?" Her mother turned to her. "Or would you rather stay here, Sylvia?"

"Eh? I'm coming too..." Sylvia quickly replied.

"Anise, do you want to go get a snack with everyone else?"

Her eyes lit up upon hearing her crafty mother asking the young girl.

"Daddy, can I go?" Anise turned to her dad and pleaded.

"Only if you stay with the group. And Kaidus, please go with your sister." Troyle answered.

Internally, she was shouting with joy. Her mother knew exactly what to do. By asking for the young girl to join them, there was no way Anise would be leaving her big brother behind. Even if Troyle did not tell him, Anise would have pleaded for Kaidus to join them.

They were moving away from the second stage and towards the food vendors. Anise clung to Kaidus' left arm. She herself walked beside Anise.

Two guards were in the front leading the way.
Jillian, Naleen, and her mother were walking behind the guards while the three of them followed. There were an additional two guards on each side of them, and two following behind—along with the two Ravon knights.
Her mother was talking to Naleen about Naleen's parents, but Sylvia wasn't paying any attention to that conversation.

She was occupied, remembering how they used to walk like this—following behind her mother and Adalina—as they went shopping in the 3rd ward market district a couple of years ago.

"How are you enjoying the competition?" Kaidus asked her.

Although lost in thoughts, his simple question rang in her ears and brought a bright smile to her face. "It is quite exciting, really." She calmly answered. "I never thought there could be so many people in one place at the same time. Such a festive atmosphere is truly breathtaking." She gave an honest reply, witnessing the competition for the first time.

"It is, isn't it?"

"Kai look." Anise pointed to a performer in the crowd.

The performer was an older Gveril man with long gray hair. The man had a broken horn, but his metallic arm was spinning a spear around skillfully. The man called his two assistants to join him and they began demonstrating different spear forms before fighting each other, displaying their abilities.

"He's very good." She heard him voice out loud his thoughts.

"Is he stronger than daddy?" Anise questioned her brother with a puzzled look.

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