Chapter 55- New Dawn II

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The impending situation and its uncertainty haunted Biran as the call to arms echoed through the camp. He had expected the men to be confused after what happened the previous night, but seeing the lack of preparation in them, Biran could not help but feel apprehensive.

His order to gather south of the camp had been issued a while ago, yet barely twenty men were present—less than half their overall numbers. Two signal arrows indicated that something was happening already, and should they fail to move soon, it might be too late.

"Where is Wes?!" Biran shouted as a handful of men arrived.

"Woke'm up before I came. Should be here soon." One of the men, a hunter, promptly answered.

Clicking his tongue, "Kurne!"

"Yes, captain." A stout bearded man with a longbow in his hand stepped forward.

"Take two others and join up with Elken and Laznar. Find out what is happening. The rest of us will follow as soon as possible." Biran commanded, and the man gave a swift salute, then called out two names before rushing off.

"Captain Biran!"

Irvine's voice came from the crowd and Biran turned his attention toward the old warrior who was approaching—along with two others. "My lord." Surprised, he quickly addressed the youth that had arrived with Irvine and Vasco. Though he wanted to leave the boy out of it, a part of him was glad to see the young man.

"Captain. What is the situation?" The young man inquired, walking past the large group of armed men.

Biran hesitated briefly before opening his mouth. "I apologize, but I do not know." He answered as the torrent of panic in him began to slowly dissipate. "I've dispatched a team ahead. The rest of us will march when everyone has gathered." Biran added, keeping his eyes on the boy. Although he himself was almost two heads taller than the youth and twice as old, seeing the boy's unusually calm demeanor, his impatience was quickly vanishing.

"How many people are with the other group?"

"I beg your pardon?" Biran replied, stunned by the unnerving calm that had suddenly infested him.

"I have been notified of the other refugees. How many of your people are with them?"

"Over thirty capable men, my lord. But for them to be calling for help... there can only be one reason why."

"Then let us not waste any more time. We will make haste with those who are present." With quick and decisive words, the young man turned his gaze to the south as the winds wisped around them.

Just like when he first laid eyes upon the boy, it was as if he was staring at someone or something else. Something far beyond his own comprehension. "Do you mean to-" Biran managed to voice out as the words clicked into his head.

"Time is of the essence, captain. Lead your men. I shall assist where I can."

The words filled him with assurance and Biran's hands trembled with an unfamiliar enthusiasm, a sense of calm excitement. "Forgive me. I ask too much of you even though you have just arrived." He graciously lowered his head, unwilling to decline the offer of assistance.

"The fates have deemed it appropriate to grant someone like me a sword. It is only fitting that I bear witness to its sharpness."

"Understood." The meaning was quite clear, and Biran lifted his head. His could see some of the men staring, questioning his actions, yet it was only because they did not understand. "Vasco. You will stay here and wait for the rest of the men." Biran quickly directed before turning to the group that was still awaiting his orders. "Form up and keep vigilant! We are moving!" He shouted.

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