Chapter 44- Maverus

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Unloading his belongings at the foot of the bed, Kaidus leaned his xeberite sword against the nightstand and took a look around the small room.

A sweet scent wafted through the air, coming from a jar of dried leaves in the corner, masking the odor of old sweat and vomit not too uncommon in such places. Not including the bed, the simple room had a table upon which the jar sat and two chairs, but nothing else.

He opened the window and new aromas drifted in, along with the explosive livelihood of the outside. The sky had already gone dark and night was upon them, but as it was in most cities and towns, the night life had only just begun.

Looking up at the dark sky, he recalled Zirus' cries when he instructed the youngling to stay behind in the woods—outside of the city. The incessant growls, two silvery eyes filled with distress and abandonment, and the powerful grip on his left arm as it refused to separate from him. It was truly like a child, all the way down to the endearing selfishness.

Without much thought, he extended his right arm out the window and snapped his fingers twice, adding it to the discord of noises outside. Quietly watching the sky, barely any time had passed before an elongated form even darker than night emerged in the air, diving directly toward him.

With two silver eyes glowing dimly and not making a sound, the young hvaral stealthily descended before his window. Landing upon the outstretched arm, it quickly slithered up to his shoulders.

"Shrraa!" It hissed with delight before making its way off and onto the cold stone floor.

"Well done." He smiled, seeing Zirus darting back and forth between the few items in the room. The youngling had been circling over the skies of Maverus ever since evening, and had been patiently awaiting his signal while flying high and staying hidden from sight.

It turned and made a content growl, then with a beat of its wings, leapt onto the table in the corner of the room and began sniffing the jar on top.

Poking and prodding around the room, it eventually settled down and climbed onto the bed, coiling itself into a pile of dark rings.

Seeing that Zirus had calmed down, he focused his vision toward a large silhouette that was alight with specks of torchlight in the distance: Maverus Castle. A grand structure, it was built atop an expansive and elevated part of the landscape that overlooked much of the city. Also surrounded by a wide moat, it towered above the rest of Maverus like a looming giant.

Unlike Ferrent which was fragmented into thirteen different wards, Maverus was one large open city. A thick layer of high rising stone fortifications encompassed the whole capital: from the isolated castle near its center, to both lower and upper Castletown, along with the slums and vast amounts of farmlands. A large river flowed from the northwest, forking and splitting the city in multiple divides as it traveled through to the east. The castle and wealthier upper town was located in the north where the river enters the city, the lower Castletown and markets taking up the center and eastern side where the city gates were located, whilst the farmlands and slums secured the south. The inn he was currently staying at was in the southwestern side of the city, bordering a fork of the river that separated the farmlands and slums.

Although the distinction between rich and poor was blindingly obvious, the city itself was peaceful enough, save for the unusual atmosphere that echoed with an air of dissonance and dread. The residents were uneasy, and he had taken notice of the many minute nuances or actions hidden beneath the people's contrived cheerfulness. A hesitance here, hushed whispers there, an awkward stare that stood too long, or the abrupt and suspicious silence upon the appearance of a stranger.

Closing the window, Kaidus moved back to his bag and took out the five rings he had obtained from Eril. It's been eight days since then, yet none of the remaining four had called for their master. 'Have they finally caught on?' He wondered, gripping the cold metal rings in his hands. From what he had seen so far of Tal'hrus, it was quite odd that they would remain silent for so long.

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