Chapter 39- Family Bonds

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Sitting beside a small campfire, Kaidus wordlessly stared at the silver ring in his hand while thinking about his family.

The sky had already gone dark, but the memories of what happened earlier in the day was still fresh on his mind—and weighed on him heavily.

Everything that had transpired felt all too familiar. The senseless destruction, the helplessness of those who survived, and the unmistakable loss that seem to always meander through the air after such ordeals. He did not know how many had perished in the carnage, but it was undoubtedly up in the hundreds. After seeing such devastation, he did not dare to stay and watch the mourning process, for he understood what was to come.

Thinking back on everything.
Had he left Vick after learning of the Tal'hrus master's location, such darkness would have never befallen the now ruined city.
Recounting his activities for the past ten days, the two dozen or so girls that he helped in Karpes surfaced in his mind. "No." Speaking the word out loud, he stopped himself before he could compare the lives of two dozen girls to the lives of hundreds. It was impossible to save everyone, and he knew it. Had come to terms with it. He had done what he could and freed those who were still alive. The rest was up to them.

Yet, such things had never sat well with him.
Through the sound of the crackling fire, by his will, his mana surged into the ring in his hand.


-Darsus. Ferrent's 3rd ward-

Anise sat in the wooden tub, watching with a cheerful smile on her face. Whenever her mother was not looking, she would submerge herself and blow bubbles before bursting out and giggling at her own antics.

Beside her, Adalina was trying to bathe a squirming Lance who was crying because he had been doused with water.

"Anise. If you're done, go and get dressed. Your father still needs to wash." Adalina instructed, seeing the girl playing.

"But mommy, I wanna stay until the water is cold." Anise protested, immersing herself up to her nose.

"It's already cold. Any longer and you are bound to get sick." Adalina replied, gently patting the babe in her arms to quell his cries. "Stop dallying and go. I still need to reheat the water for your father."


"Now, young lady." Adalina instructed sternly, holding Lance to her chest and patting his back while reassuring him that she was not talking to him.

"Kay..." Anise stood up and began shaking her hair.

"Anise? What is that?" Adalina questioned, seeing the faint light coming from one of two rings on the girl's translucent necklace.

"Hm? AH-! Secret!" Clutching the rings with one hand, Anise grabbed her drying cloth and dashed out of the washroom while butt naked. There was a spring in her steps and a smile on her face as she darted up the stairs.


"Hasen. I'm alone now!" She exclaimed as soon as she closed her door. Grabbing the yellow one-piece dress that was laid out on her bed, she began pulling it over her head while keeping an ear out for her brother's voice.
"Kai!?" She questioned, thinking she had heard something.

"Are you alright? What was that noise?"

Her brother's voice came through the silver ring and her face lit up with delight. Even though she had just talked to him a few days ago, she was overjoyed to be hearing him. "Uh-huh! I'm okay." She replied cheerfully.

"You sound happy. Did something good happened?"


"Wanna tell me?"

"Hehehe. I'm talking to Kai." She answered.

"Haha. Is that so?" A warm chuckle came from the ring along with her brother's kind voice. Yet within his usual tone, there was something else. A distant tinge of sadness, as if he was about to go somewhere even further away.

"Are you okay Kai?" She questioned, having heard the small drop in his voice.

"I'm fine. I just really miss you all."

"We miss you too!" She exclaimed happily.

There was another chuckle. "Thanks. Is Lance there with you?"

"Mommy and Lance are taking a bath."

"I see."

"Kai?" She spoke, trying to think of how to cheer him up.


"Um you know... my... my birthday..." She answered timidly, trying not to sound too demanding.

"Yes, of course. The 12th of Kinu wasn't it? Wow, you'll be nine soon huh?"

"Uhn." Pleased that he remembered, a smile appeared on her face. He had been gone for almost two turns already, and her 9th birthday was fast approaching. "You know... if you come home, you can see me and Lance, and mommy and daddy." She added sheepishly, trying to induce him to come home.

Her brother laughed. "Indeed, and I will. Just not yet. Sorry."

"But why?"

"Because I haven't found you a present yet. Remember? I promised you I'd bring you something good when I return."

"Oh. Hehehe. Okay." Her smile turned into a teething grin at the mention of a present.


"Hm?" She replied eagerly, having already forgotten about trying to cheer him up.

"Ah, no. Nothing. You know that I love you right?"

"Uhn! I love Kai too!"

"I'm glad." Her brother's voice had perked up. "Are you all going to bed soon?"


"Well then, I best be going. I just wanted to hear your voice before you all went to bed. Please give mom and Lance a hug for me."

"Hehe. You're weird Kai."

"Good night."

"UHN!" She gleefully replied, and the glow from the ring immediately faded.
With a smile on her face, she left the room to go give her mother and baby brother a hug.

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