Chapter 47- Blind Rivalry

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Instead of heading north to the merchant's guild, Kaidus made his way back south to where he had met Captain Ardan that afternoon. Locating the mercenary tavern had taken longer than expected, and being in familiar company, he had lost time to the drinks and stories in an effort to keep up with propriety. With the obsidian token still in his bag at the inn and the sun lowering itself beyond the horizon, the trip to the merchant's guild would have to wait.

Whether it was due to the previous night's incident or because of the increased patrols, the trip back was very different from the feigned livelihood of the previous evening. The number of people out and about had lessened significantly, and many of the stalls were closed already.

A sweet and delectable aroma accosted him as he passed by one of the few that were still open, and it quickly reminded him of how long it had been since he last ate.

"Good evening." Kaidus greeted, addressing a spindly middle aged woman.

"Hm? Hello there," she replied with a surprised smile, glancing up from her chair. "Care to buy something, young man? They're all freshly roasted." The woman added energetically.

Perusing the goods on the table between them, he started to feel hungry. The simple meat skewers were varying bite sized chunks of glazed meat, while the birds and rodents seemed to have been filled with what looks to be more meat, herbs, and spices. The knowledge that Zirus had not been fed since early lunch either, and was bound to be hungry, quickly made his decision for him. "How much?"

"Small skewers are one ern, larger skewers are one and four kuis. The stuffed birds and rats on that side are four each, but for you, I'll make it three." The woman answered pleasantly as if she was doing him a favor.

Fishing out four double bits and two single erns from his pocket, he placed them on the table. "Two of the larger skewers and two birds please."

Halting what she was doing, the woman began picking out his order. With practiced motions, she soon handed him a wrapped bundle.

"Thank y- uagh!" A silent shriek of fear and pain assaulted him from within as he took hold of the purchase. '?!' The visage of the youngling's distressed face manifested in his mind.

"Are you alright?" The woman questioned, but he did not answer.

Without thinking about where or what he was doing, mana coursed through Kaidus' body and the wind immediately obeyed, whipping around his vicinity. Clutching what he had just bought in his hand, he surged into the air as screams came from all around him.


Zirus' cries became more prevalent in his mind as he approached the inn. The youngling was in pain, and through their connection, it was quite clear that it was in danger.

Smashing through the window, "Zirus!" Kaidus shouted, turning toward the beasts' inaudible howls of agony.

Near the bed, hundreds of bloody tendrils--the thickness of fine hair--had wrapped themselves around the young drakall's body, twisting and constricting it while digging under its scales to penetrate flesh. Glowing dimly in the youngling's bound mouth and caught in between its fangs, was a pale white seed the size of a man's thumb.

Rushing over to the struggling serpent, Kaidus grabbed at the seed. As soon as he came into contact with it, more threads shot forth, coiling around his hand and digging into him. Remembering the last time such a thing had occurred, he immediately began infusing his mana into the voracious item. The tendrils quivered, and instantly retracted from his hand. Pouring even more mana into it, the dim glow intensified, and the bloody threads started recoiling from the youngling, merging back into the now blood-red seed.

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