Chapter 50- Advent of the Demon

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Zion's laughter resounded disconcertingly through the air as it exploded outward into the raging tempest. Unrestrained and infused with the purest of mana, it swallowed the restless storm that had been thrashing about, halting it instantly.

Body parts and fluids that had been picked up prior--by Roln's magic--violently crashed down to the ground, showering the area with more carnage. "Such Arroganccccce...." It hissed indignantly as it swam through the air.

"W-Who?!" An unnerved Roln who had been jolted awake from his drunken dream state questioned, uncertain as to why his own magic had suddenly disappeared.

"I Ammmm The Wings Of My Masterrrrrr... The Everssssstorm That Ragesssss Eternalll... The Silence of the Innnnvisssssible Blade." Gliding around the mage, it drew on the blood seeping into the ground and a thick sheen of mist began rising into the air, covering much of the large square.

"What are y-!?"

Taking form in front of the mage under the cover of the misty veil, a partially formed arm grabbed the man's neck, lifting him into the air. "I Ammmm The Unyielding Winnndddd. Youuuu Dare to Desssssecrate My Domainnnn With Such Trickssss?"


"GRAAAAA-!!" Roln released a cry of agony as an unknown force smashed into the side of his torso, breaking a few ribs. The bloody ligaments of the shapeless limb quickly became fully formed--as it drew in more blood from the surrounding--and rose up to cover his mouth, stifling his screams.

"The Masssster Has Permitted Me Thisssss Moment. Do Sssstaaaay Aliiiive... I Do Not Wisssshhhh To Dissssapoint Him."

"Mmmmmmm!?!?!" A muffled howl as his knees were bent inward. His body unwilling to move, Roln helplessly stared into the terrifying visage of an entity not of the mortal realm.


Many of the prisoners watched Kaidus carefully as he returned to the four wounded men. Fear permeated through the air and upon noticing the focus of their many gazes, he quickly pulled his hood over his head.

Although he had trained himself to be in complete control of his own body, that single aspect was the only thing he could not wholly restrain.

A remnant of his true self. The shine of his true lineage. The silver of House AnDargus.

Try as he might: an unconscious lapse of judgement, the exertion of power, linking with the spirits, and heightened emotions... they all served to reveal what he really is, what he had been branded.

Paying little heed to people who could never truly understand, he leaned down to the pitiful looking men at the end of their ropes.

"It doesn't look good, but they're still breathing." Kaidus whispered beneath his breath as his mana coursed through one of the men. Directing his magic to heal the wounds and internal injuries to prevent death, more mana surged into the body before he promptly moved onto the next man. Within moments, the four were no longer gasping for air, but soundly unconscious against their cages.

'Master... There Are Others Approaching.' Vishan's clear and displaced voice echoed through his mind.

Sending out a thin wave of mana, he detected footsteps approaching from the eastside of the plaza. The newcomers were moving carefully and quickly, while trying to conceal themselves with magic.

"Let us see what they are up to." Leaving the prisoners chained, he scanned for Zion's location through the thick mist and beckoned the spirit to stop.

It did not.

'Zion.' Kaidus repeated, immediately suppressing the wayward spirit's power.

"GRUAAAH!!" Another agonizing scream as Roln was thrown onto the adjacent stage. The wind spirit swiftly returned to take residence in the cloak it had formed earlier, and

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