Chapter 35- Floating City Vilute

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"I see..." Eril replied to the ring on his finger as he moved dexterously through the dark forest, guided only by a small light-stone infused with mana.

After his talk with the stranger nine days ago, he had instructed one of his lieutenants to investigate the curious matter of Countess Belinde. As it turned out, the woman was truly gone. Her men could only attest that they were attacked in the middle of the night by a boy and a man. That there was a bright light, and by the time they regained their visions, the countess was gone and their forces had been reduced considerably. Along with everything that occurred, they were also given a very conspicuous warning.
The assailant was undoubtedly the same person who spoke to him that day. It was why they were so arrogant in their threats.

"Master. What are your orders?" A woman's voice enquired from the ring as Eril was lost in thoughts.

"... Oversee to Linde's positions and watch her territories for the time being. I will sort this out when I have time and appoint a new replacement to that area."

"Yes Master."

"And Inareh. Let me know immediately if anything out of the ordinary occurs."

"Of course, Master."

Having given his orders, Eril severed the connection between the two rings.

"My condolences." A voice spoke up from beside him. Although it was supposed to be a sorry statement, in the darkness, he could tell that was a grin on Kaval face as if reveling in his troubles.

Behind them was a sizable group of people all moving quietly through the darkness and following their leads. A handful were Tal'hrus agents, while most were loyal soldiers believing they would put an end to the disasters happening around Malpaars—an end to the Liberation Army.

"It does not matter. We both knew the results already." Eril replied, not humoring the woman as he kept up his pace.

"Oh? Then why bother sending Inareh in the first place?"

"For confirmation." He replied insipidly, disinterested in the subject.

"Well, aren't you the wise one going out of your way to confirm such a trivial thing? They had Linde's ring. How else would they have gotten it if nothing happened to her?"

"Just make sure your men are ready when this starts." Ignoring the rhetorical questions, he gave her his own thoughts as they spotted faint traces of light coming from the forest's end.

"Don't worry about my team. They know what to do." Kaval countered smugly.

"And your targets?"

"The prince has been located, but the knight's whereabouts are unknown. They will wait for us to begin before apprehending the boy."

"I see."

As they burst through the forest, they were met by a wall of fog. It was nearing morning already, but the moon was shining dimly in the sky as clouds and mists obstructed its luminescence.

"Master." A man cloaked in black from head to toe quickly bowed before Eril as they came upon the waterfront, where an even larger group was waiting for them.

Dressed to blend in with the shadows, over two hundred men were waiting for his group. Equipped with spears, swords, axes, and bow and arrows, the only ones who did not have any weapons, were the mages.

"Rakkon. Is everything set?" Eril questioned, staring past the crowd before him and into the fog that was covering the bay. It was incredibly thick and impossible to perceive, and he could tell that there was something off about the atmosphere.

"Yes master. All that's left, is to dispel this fog. I suspect it is some sort of barrier to hide their base within."

"A barrier?" He queried with intrigue, as Rakkon's opinions coincided with his own thoughts.

The man was a loyal subject whom he had left in charge of western Malpaars. Rakkon's official title was that of a count, and had been elevated to such a position after the revolution along with Linde, and another of his own men. The three of them were gifted with western, southern, and eastern Malpaars, leaving the north to the king, while Inareh acted as his liaison and outreaching arms.

"Yes. Many of the men had gone out to scout, only to end up back on the shore."

"It is indeed a barrier." Kaval spoke, joining their conversation. "Layna said it would disorient and misdirect unwary minds that wander into it. She spoke of a spell that would allow entry, but was too far away at the time to hear it."

"A magic of this scale... Vernera still has a lot of mages at her disposal it seems." Eril voiced out loud with astonishment as he observed the white wall before them.
It would have taken a lot of mages and time, combining their magic to construct something so elaborate and excessive. Even sustaining the barrier would require a constant flow of mana, and someone to watch it at all times, feeding and making sure it does not run out.

"I will contact Layna and tell her to let the others know. Those fools won't even know what hit them once we start." Kaval stepped away and pulled out a ring.

"Rakkon. Gather the men and have those skilled with water magic ready to bring everyone into the fog." Eril ordered the man before him.

"Into the barrier?"

"Yes. Dispelling it would only warn them of our presence. Get everyone and have them follow me. I shall cut a path and we will take them by surprise." Eril unsheathed the sword at his waist, and all eyes turned to him, watching him attentively. Walking over to the water's edge, he dipped the tip of the blade into the water. After a quick incantation, the surface began freezing and within moments, a thick layer of ice was bobbing before him.
He then turned to Kaval. "You may join in at your leisure or retreat after completing your job. Either way, I will see this to the end."

Malpaars was already his.
The king was nothing but a puppet, and one of his trusted lieutenants was watching the man at all times. The assignment of raising the unwitting fool to the throne was over, and all that was left, was to slowly build their resources and amass their forces in preparation for war. The former princess and her army was but a means to keep his men content and busy, while he sorted out the bulk of his new empire. Insignificant, the Liberation Army amounted to little more than an itch upon his back that he could scratch anytime he wanted. Yet it seems their little game of chase has finally come to an end. Before the day is over, the Avarthias bloodline that has ruled Malpaars for the past two centuries would come to an end.

Eril jumped onto the ice and with an ice spell, his legs frosted and bound him atop the unstable platform.

Rakkon's voice resounded throughout the shore, and the men began assembling. Row boats that had been constructed prior to their master's arrival were being pushed into the water, and mages began invoking spells.

As his forces gathered around him, "Let us begin." Eril invoked his own magic.
With a wave of his sword, he parted the fog before him and willed the waves to carry him out.

With a thrilled grin on her face, Kaval summoned a large pillar of water that quickly transformed into a serpent. Submerging her body into the familiar, she ordered the monstrosity to follow.


As morning dawned, they easily broke through the barrier into calm water and clear sky. In the distance, floating serenely was the dark silhouette of the floating city Vilute.

"Well then, I'll be going ahead to meet up with my team." Kaval's cheerful voice carried over the water's surface. With a quick incantation, she ducked into her familiar and it dove into the water, swimming ahead.

"Give the orders. Capture those you can, and kill anyone who dares to resist." Eril commanded, not looking to the men around him.

"Yes, master." His agents simultaneously complied.

The orders were swiftly relayed to the others, and with two dozen mages and over two hundred soldiers, the small army quickly split into three forces. Taking the lead, Eril increased his speed, sailing for the gates of the floating city as the others split off to surround it.

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