Chapter 52- Formless Azurite

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With silent steps and careful movements, his trainings as a mercenary easily revealed themselves as Vick slowly made his way through the underbrush of the forest.

What should have been a quiet morning of hunting had been interrupted by the sound of falling of trees and smoke, and with animals fleeing in all directions, he had decided to investigate the disturbance. As he got closer to the source, the forest begun echoing with the voices of people and he quickly took to the shadows.

Putting away his bow, Vick reached for one of his azurite swords as he edged closer to the opening that had not been there four days prior. Peeking out from the side of a large tree, he spotted a number of tents and various armed men doing busywork around the camp.

Carefully scanning the company, one of the patrols caught his eyes: a portly man who was more round than tall, and carrying a bow in hand. Unlike the other patrols walking about, the man's movements were light like that of a seasoned hunter. There was an alertness about the portly man, and he held an arrow to his bowstring, always ready for the draw.

"!" Quickly dodging behind the tree, he barely managed to hide himself as the hunter looked in his direction. His right hand tightened its grip on the sword and he grabbed onto the other with his left. 'How many more are in those tents?' Vick wondered to himself, having only counted eleven heads that were out and about.

Waiting in complete stillness, the sound of alarm did not go off nor did anyone approach his position.

'There's no time for this. I have to warn the village.' Hastily making up his mind, he ducked back into the undergrowth and returned the same way he came.

Navigating through the forest, he returned to the temporary camp that he had set up that morning in preparation for his kills. The dolsha that he brought with him was grazing quietly on the plentiful mint bushes strewn about, and he quickly saddled the horse.

Due to the slow witted beast being less than compliant with speeding through the trees, it was already high noon by the time he reached the outskirts of the forest. The plains and rolling hills of the land were now in view, and in the horizon, he could almost make out the brown fields of Esperen that had been recently harvested. "Yah!" With a command, the stubborn dolsha began picking up its strides upon the open fields.


"You're back early. Nothing today master Vick?" A man questioned with a smile of contempt as he rode into Esperen.

"No time for this today, Elond. Gather the other guards and meet up at gran's. I've information to discuss." Leaving the aggravating man confused, he continued through the village toward the Prancing Myrtle.

"Vick?" A comely young lady with short brown hair called out to him as he entered the inn. Wearing an old patched up dress that had been given to her by the owner, she was carrying a tray of drinks.

"Saadra, where's the old lady?"

"Gran said she was going upstairs for a bit. Is something the matter?"

"Yes. Serve your drinks and go gather the others. Tell your sister to help." He quickly instructed and dashed up the stairs. "Gran! Gran where are you?! GRAN!"

"Shaddap! I can hear you just fine!" A loud voice bellowed from one of the guest rooms, and a small old lady poked her head out of the doorway. "What are you doing back so early, and what did I say about running up the stairs?!"

"I saw people in the forest. We have to make a decision right now." He replied, and her irritated expression immediately vanished. "I know you and many of the others don't want to leave, but we cannot stall this out any longer. I cannot say for certain that they'll pass by peacefully, but even if they did, Esperen will not survive what is to come."

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