Chapter 19- Hunter

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With an impassive mask, Kaidus bent down and grabbed the man's neck.

Repairing the shattered jaw with healing magic, he lifted the man up to eye level with him. "I will not ask again. What is the incantation for the mirror shard?" He questioned as the vivid memories of Kerkhill's devastation raced through his mind.

"You... I- Kuh... I will never tell you!!" Even in shock, the struggling man refused.

Suddenly, something else caught his attention. The silver ring on his finger was glowing.

"That ring- Why do you--!"

With a thought, he silenced the surprised man.

The multitude of reasons why he was there in the first place flooded him. Without hesitation, he strengthened his grip on the man's throat. "GUU- UK- GUUAGH!! AAG!" A stifled scream came out along with a warm viscous liquid as his fingers dug deep into the man's neck.

Interrogating the other members of Tal'hrus earlier that day had not gone well either, and he was sick of their endless screams and having his time wasted.

Even without the unsealing incantation, even without understanding how Tal'hrus was using the Nyzacus shards, his end goals for the organization remained the same. The other six masters were living on borrowed time, and they would eventually get their due.

A crushing noise followed, and Zavon went limp, falling to the ground. Lifeless.

Having crushed and tore out the man's throat, he looked at the glowing ring on his finger. Anise was calling to him, but with bloodstained hands, he didn't dare to answer.

Watching the glow fade away, his eyes scanned the body before him and fell upon the man's hands. Upon four metal rings. He willed it, and they flew off of the dead man's fingers, up to him. Four communication rings. Four more agents who would perish before he left Darsus.

Pocketing the rings, he sent out a thin wave of mana to see if there were any survivors.

Not sensing anyone else in the area, "Feziel" he called for the spirit and it quickly obeyed, transforming into a sword. Though his purpose had been accomplished and his rage somewhat appeased, magic that had been dormant within him for the past 14 years begged to be freed. To be given life once again.

Feeling the limitless mana swirling about him, he closed his eyes and opened his mind. 'Ti-vaas' the first part of a destruction spell molded itself in his thoughts. Immediately, the air around him began to distort and a sense of familiarity overcame him. 'Nu'ar Eave!' With the second verse, he began channeling his mana into Feziel. *PSHAAA!* A crackling sound came from the weapon and resonated though the air as he held onto it. Twisting the sword into a back hand grip, 'Irs, Vixlain!' As soon as the final verse came into being, he shoved the sword into the ground. His mana within Feziel instantly vanished, and forked lightning erupted from the point of insertion—traveling along the ground erratically in all directions.

"Zion!" He cried out, and the wind quickly wrapped itself around him.

A crackling sound thundered through the air, echoing into the distance as the ground shook and became a sea of white lightning.

By the time it was over, there was nothing left but a devastated landscape around the area of the Tal'hrus base. The surrounding trees had either turned to ashes or been torn to shreds. Deep scars ran along the ground like cracks, digging deep into the earth. What used to be the base had been obliterated, and its foundations were nothing more than chunks of sand and pebbles. The corpses of the Tal'hrus agents were nowhere to be seen.

*Haaa... Haaa* Taking deep breaths, Kaidus took a good look around. The only place that had not been destroyed was the small area where he was standing, and the surroundings too far from his position. His hands were a little numb, and he was still holding onto the sword, still embedded into the ground.

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