Chapter 56- Truth

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The news of what transpired in the second camp along with what was coming, had spread amongst the men by morning. Whispers of fleeing were beginning to percolate through to the civilians, and a crippling tension had taken hold of the camp.

Kaidus and Vick made their way across the sullen atmosphere after an early lunch, passing by a number of nervous guards. Arriving at the captain's tent, a group of men--armed with weapons and supplies--were already standing outside, talking with the captain. At the front was Irvine, and as he scanned the group, Kaidus could see that they were the volunteers who would soon be departing to search for, and reinforce the others—who were traveling through the southern forest.

Spotting them, Captain Biran dismissed the group and promptly invited Vick and Kaidus inside.

Larger than the others, the captain's tent had been constructed for the sake of organized meetings and planning, much like that of a war camp's command. A corner of the tent had been closed off with two dark sheets, dividing the large room into a war room, and a sleeping area. Located at the center, was a crude table made of trimmed branches and a piece of flat wood, surrounded by a number of wooden blocks as seats.

Three others were already in the tent as they entered.

Vasco and Giaan stood at attention beside the wooden table, while a short round man rested on a piece of wood near the back of the tent. It was Solio, the man from the previous day. Somewhere in his forties, the portly man quietly surveyed them, his face more surprised than cautious.

"Vasco. Give me a hand would you?" The round man stood up on his good leg, and Vasco quickly went to assist him.

"Please sit." Biran entreated, and moved to the table.

Sitting down beside Vick, the captain and Solio sat across from them, while both Vasco and Giaan walked over to the tent's entrance to stand guard.

"Allow me." Biran stood up once more after they had all settled. "As we have much to discuss, I shall keep this simple." Gesturing to Kaidus and Vick, "This young man is Lord Kaidus Paltos, whom we've been searching for. To his left, is Master Vickus Laveranus, his companion." Biran then motioned to his right. "My lord, this is Solio Sarvatas, master hunter, and the person I left in charge of the Esperen camp." Solio chuckled and curtly lowered his head.

"Just Vick is fine." Vick gave a curt nod.

"It is but a title of the captain's own giving, please pay it no mind. Just Kaidus will suffice." Kaidus supplemented, nodding in accordance with everyone else.

"And yet that is the very nature of a title. A name, given unto men by the voices of others." Solio replied with a smile. Catching Kaidus' eyes, "Forgive me my lord, but Biran has already informed me of the situation, and of his decisions. I too, wholeheartedly agree in this."

"Master Solio, there is no need for-"

"Please, my lord." Solio replied, stopping Kaidus short of his words. "You saved our lives when the fangs of death were upon us. What you did for Vilute, for those of us still alive right now, you have our utmost gratitude." Solio lowered his head as far as his belly would allow him. "You may not remember all of us, but those of us who were there have not forgotten you."

Listening attentively, Vick shot a curious look at Kaidus.

Hearing the sincerity in Solio's words, he could do nothing but acquiesce to the selfish logic. "Please raise your head. Now is neither the time nor place for such things, and I believe we have other matters to discuss." Kaidus replied, attempting to steer the conversation back toward its original purpose.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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